I`d still like to go try my hand at meteorite
hunting one day! And I don`t mean at the Show! ;)

> All,
> The question about the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show got
> me thinking...
> You'll note that the word "meteorite" isn't a part
> of the show name at all.
> I'm told that they really are a small part of the
> over all events going on
> at this time.
> As a matter of fact, this year will be my first at
> the Tucson show.  I'll
> also be working my butt off as I now have a job with
> one of the big mineral
> importers here in Tucson.  I must confess that as I
> learn more about
> everything that will be happening, I start to feel
> quite overwhelmed!
> To help the poor, lost newbies like myself find the
> interesting (meteorite)
> events, is there a calendar or guide for the show
> specific to our
> sub-group?  When and where are the parties, the big
> dealers, auctions,
> museum displays, etc.?
> If such a thing does not exist... well, does anyone
> feel industrious?
> Bob Martino                        Can you really
> name a star?
> http://home.columbus.rr.com/starfaq/
> "I look up to the heavens
>  but night has clouded over
>  no spark of constellation
>  no Vela no Orion."          -Enya
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