Woo-Hoo!!! I have all of my reservations made and
can`t wait to see everyone again and meeting new list
members. I will be staying Feb. 6th. through the 11th.
this time, so that I can enjoy more time in Tucson! By
the way, are there any preliminary Auction catalogs on
the net yet? Have a safe and happy holidays everyone!
Dave Schultz (IMCA 2725)

> Dear Listees:
> In a little over six weeks, many of us will be
> arriving in sunny 
> Tucson, Arizona, so I hope you all have your hotels
> and flights 
> booked!
> The weekend of February 7 - 9, 2003 will be
> action-packed with 
> parties, auctions, and other events. If there are
> any more List 
> members who would like to join us at the Fourth
> Annual Notkin/Arnold 
> Meteor Mayhem Birthday Bash you should RSVP to me
> soon. I'll be 
> mailing out invitations in early January. If you
> have received an 
> invitation in the past, you will again this time, so
> no need to reply.
> Looking forward to seeing many of you "Out West,"
> and best wishes to 
> List members the world over for a happy -- and
> hopefully war-free -- 
> 2003.
> Regards,
> Geoff Notkin
> www.paleozoic.org
> p.s.  I am particularly looking forward to seeing
> Steve Arnold 
> (Arkansas) and Steve Arnold (Chicago) meet in person
> for the first 
> time. Will this cause a matter/anti-matter
> implosion?
> ______________________________________________
> Meteorite-list mailing list

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