Hello List Members,
Over the past year, Bob Holmes (a fellow list member) and I have been preparing to produce a video at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show 2003 with the focus on meteorites, the meteorite people and related events.

We think this video will be of interest to all meteorite enthusiasts. It will also be a good way for those of you who cannot attend the show personally to see and hear some members of the meteorite community and see some fantastic meteorites as well.

This will not be a "home video" project - we will be using professional grade equipment to help us produce a top quality product with an anticipated running time of 45 - 50 minutes.

Any of you that will be attending the Tucson Show and would like to appear in this video, please contact me and let me know what days you will be attending. Our plan right now is for the majority of the video to be shot February 7-9, 2003 which is the weekend that most of the meteorite related events will be happening.

For more information, please contact me ASAP. We haven't set a deadline yet, but we would like to get our schedule lined out well in advance. If more folks respond than we can fit into the video, we will be using the "first-come-first-served"concept as one of the methods of choosing our final list. We also reserve the right to include only those people that we feel properly represent the science and hobby of meteorites and the meteorite community in general.

Best Regards,

John Gwilliam and Bob Holmes

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