Hello Ron and list,

While it is true that the government often sells things for much less then
they paid let us pretend they are a business trying to make money rather
then a group that many times tries to figure out how best to spend money.

Rom Baalke wrote:

"It cost $24 billion to recover 838 pounds of rocks, which proportionately
would equal about $63,000 per gram if my math is correct. Multiply by 113
grams and you get $7.128

If you took the $7.128 million and doubled it? for inflation you get $14.256
million.  I will add 10% for curation cost giving me $15.6816 million. A
standard finders fee is 20%, add this and I get $18,817,920.  If I was the
government that is the figure I would throw out to the court, but of course
it would never sell for that on the market and the witness is being sought
by the defense from my understanding.  It is my opinion that they should get
a very stern sentence to give anyone else second and third thoughts about
attempting such actions again.  Does anyone remember what they were trying
to sell it for?

Mark Bostick

Meteorite-list mailing list

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