Hi - 

I seem to remember seeing the entire flats under water
a few years back.

If so, and meteorites would have sunk below the
surface.  I don't have the foggiest clue how deep,
maybe someone could work it out...

My guess is that nonethelss this may be a good hunting
spot, but only with a metal detector...  And then
you'd have to dig through the salt to get a
but still...


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> It was over 100 degrees.  The sky was bare-blue, as
> only a Utah sky can be, and 
> the salt flats were as great mirrors, blinking back
> at the face of the sun.  
> There I was, sure as sure that I could walk out on
> the eye-blinding sea of salt 
> and harvest dark rocks from the sky as one would do
> on the arctic ice. I set 
> out briskly, hearing the salt crystals crunch under
> my feet, pausing 
> periodically to skan the gleaming expanse with my
> binoculars.  My heart 
> skipped.  There were all kinds of little dark
> patches out there.  Naive me 
> thought that all I had to do was scoop 'em
> up....treasures from the heaven's.  
> Yeah, right!  Dried up grasshoppers unfortunate
> enough to fall on the scorching 
> surface of this saline hotplate, and little gems of
> feces of some sort...not 
> exactly what I was looking for.  But The rugged
> beauty of miles of white 
> beneath that turquoise sky, and the bare mountains
> in the distance drew me 
> further and further out into the great expanse of
> NACL2, and kept me chasing 
> little dark spots for hours.  OOPS! I realized that
> I had to walk back to my 
> little Toyota Tacoma which was now miles behind me,
> and He**! it was hot! Thank 
> whatever, (goodness or God or such.) that I'm in
> good shape and not yet 
> dehydrayed!  I hoofed it full-stride, dripping with
> sweat, all the way back to 
> the Toyota...not realizing that I was being observed
> by tourists at the rest-
> stop where I had parked.  Yup, there was a group of
> guys just waiting for me so 
> they could see just what a REAL NUT looked like.
> "Mister! What's on your 
> mind?", came the inquisitive voice of one of the
> onlookers. "Why, NOTHING." I 
> answered. "only an IDIOT would be walking out there
> on a day like this."  He 
> stood stunned and speechless as I walked back to my
> Toy and downed my entire 
> gallon of springwater.  Happy hunting, Rand Kluge   
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