I threw a dart at that "diagram-dartboard" and it
landed on... "felsic quartz latite porphyry with
accessory mafic (amphibole) phenocrysts"!!? (Whatever
that means... but then, the darts haven't lied to me,

Darn!  Not quite a Lunar rock, though, is it.

Well anyway, it was quicker than using a Quiji board!
BOb V.

[meteorite-list] Re: possible lunar: High Quality
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 18:36:09 EST 

Good evening Mohamed and Friends,

Sorry Mohamed.  While I am always cautiously
optimistic about possible Lunar meteorite finds I am
afraid that I must agree at this point with my learned

colleagues.  The photomicrograph seems to reveal that
your find is not likely a lunar meteorite.  I was most
interested in seeing the white clast material under
magnification.  Having now seen it, it does not appear
to be similar to the clast material I have seen in
authenticated Lunar specimens.  Don't give up your
quest for meteorites because of a few failures though.
 As seasoned meteorite hunters will tell you,
meteorwrongs are all part of the process.  I have read
some really good advice directed your way by List
Members in the past couple of days.  I am sure that
much of it will be helpful to you.

Keep up the search and you will eventually find your

Best Regards to all,


Mohamed wrote:

A couple of good microphotographs at 20X and 40X might
be helpful too.

Thanks Paul for your reply. Here is a HQ picture (1MB)
with about 5X magnification.


Mohamed H. Yousef

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