To those of you who have read my posts, I know that It's obvious that I lack 
the profound meteroritical knowledge I'm observing as I brouse through the 
wealth of information available on this list.  I'm not a doctor.  I'm not a 
scientist. I haven't even found my first meteorite yet.  I'm just an average 
guy with a wife and two almost-adult offspring who drive me crazy, and an 
equally maddening career in the U.S. Army.  Oh, I'm not a total Jed Clampet.  I 
do have a BA in Speech-communications and enough certificates of academia to 
wallpaper my house....(military courses, community college courses and stuff.)  
I lived in Latin America and often surprise Native Spanish speakers when they 
hear this big nordic looking guy spout off the Castillian I love to speak.  OH 
NO!!!!! I'M mot bragging!  To the contrary!  I'm just trying to say that the 
little education I have looks like a B.B. in the middle of the freeway compared 
to the genius I see here in your postings.  SO...I venture to ask a 
question:    Does anyone know about the Benben stone?  You know, the oriented 
meteorite from which ancient Egyptians believe bore the beginnings of life to 
this planet.  I think it's really interesting that chondrules contain amino 
acids; that salt crystals containg water have been found in meteorites and 
that, according to my often too active imagination, chondrites seem to be a 
strange combination of organic and mineral.  Doesn't it almost seem like a 
meteorite is saying, "OUCH! Gee I'm sore with this scabby fusion crust and 
gallactic scars"  Has anyone thought about this?  I mean....What if meteorites 
are the very seeds of universal birth, vessels of life-giving elements raining 
down upon the plethera of planets throughout the expanse of existence?  Am I 
nuts?  I know I'm not well informed but....What say ye scientists?  Has this 
idea been pondered?  Did the ancients know something we have forgotten?  are 
the megalithic pyrimids found throughout the world, representations of the 
original Benben stone, an oriented meteorite sitting on it's base and pointing 
to the heavens from whence it came? What say ye to this wondering man?  Rand 

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