January 28, 2003

Greetings Mr. Adam Hupe and Fellow Meteorite

It has been a long time since I have sent anything to
the list.  But now I couldn't resist.  Your mystery
contests are really a joy and a challenge to try one's
meteoritic skills at!  Even though I was too late to
enter your first Mystery Meteorite Contest, I still
couldn't stop trying to guess its identity.  

Here are my assumptions for Mystery Meteorite Contest

Specimen #1:  A brecciated, polymict R-chondrite. 
Weathering grade: ~2

Specimen #2: A highly shocked shergottite, probably
basaltic. The shock veins have the earmarks of
maskelynite.  Do I see vesicles?
Weathering Grade: 0-1

Specimen #3: An unusual, inclusion rich howardite,
displaying a goodly number of different clasts,
including possible carbonaceous material.  Its overall
light colored matrix, however, leans towards the
eucritic end of the howardites. 
Weathering Grade: 0-1

Like always, I probably racked my noodle at this too

Long strewn fields!

Mark Fox
Newaygo, MI USA

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