Hi Count Guido

I have absolutely no knowledge, but there are several factors you need to consider before sparring with the Met Bulletin.

First, is the coordinate system specified? It is quite easy to mix up WGS's in those sorts of localities regardless of what the official policy is ...

That may or may not introduce a lot-sized variance ....

Then, in 2004, were the GPS' signals corrected or still scrambled several tens of meters, I can't remember when the switch was made.

Last of what ocurrs to me at the moment - but the house you are discussing was built in 2004. The meteorite was found in 2004. See where this is headed? The rest of the area is basically still desert unless there has been very recent construction.

If I had a dime for every coordinate complaint I had, I wouldn't need to work again ;-), but unless you know something else, it is a bit soon to explore that tangent especially when the message for this astounding material was put up for salle moments ago. As always the best case is to be friendly with the finder, get them drunk and then take them out there. There's not a single secret that can withstand being spilled with that methodology when in the hands of a pro---

Kindest wishes and the best of luck hunting

(I hope I have addressed this message properly, in light of the last touchy discussion on the subject, as I can't get myself to be formal to use titles of nobility with last names in non-formal discussion lists. I certainly will if that is what you prefer, though, for whatever reason. After so long in Mexico where titles of nobility were punishable by the firing squad and prohibited by law, we all grow up with the idea that it is strictly an old world custom. This aside is in this message becasue in the past I have addressed you by my preference as simply an acquaintance in an informal setting - 'Guido', and just want it known that it was respectfully equally as with all other list members.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Count Deiro <countde...@earthlink.net>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com; i...@imcamail.de
Sent: Thu, Aug 25, 2011 12:43 am
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sale Ad / Moapa Valley CM1 Main Mass and Slices for sale

Hello List,

I made a recent trip an hour north of my house with three other hunters to search the location listed in the MetSoc Bulletin for Sonny Clary's rare CM1

The coordinates published put the finds location in the near center of a fifty lot residential sub-division in Overton, Nevada. To be more precise, in some homeowners side yard at the SW corner of Vista View and Cave Ave. Of course, we
we decided not to bother the folks and didn't hunt the sub-division.

My questions are. Was the find really made there..in that sub-division, or are the coordinates incorrect in the Bulletin...and if so, was this done on purpose?
If intentional, another question begs to be asked. Is science served by
misleading coordinates being submitted and knowingly published? And further,
what would motivate the person who submits erroneous information.

Count Deiro
IMCA 3536

-----Original Message-----
From: wahlpe...@aol.com
Sent: Aug 24, 2011 8:24 PM
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Sale Ad / Moapa Valley CM1 Main Mass and
Slices  for

Hi All,

I have listed 3 large slices and the main mass of Moapa Valley on my
web site for sale. These three pieces will be the only large slices
sale. Moapa Valley is the only CM1 available to collectors world wide.
Don't miss out on a unique opportunity to add a truly rare meteorite
your collection. Moapa Valley is the first CM1 recovered in the United
States, with a  TKW of  699 grams. It has been described as   “One of
the most important US finds ever, and rarer than any Lunar or Martian
finds. Material of this classification is almost unattainable.”



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