For you reading pleasure, a LONG message from Steve Curry to... well... a
heck of a lot of people.

P.S. I'm not even a member of the IMCA, so I'm not sure how I can tender my
resignation. Can I find two members to vouch for me so I can join, just in
case I need to resign?

Walter L. Newton
From: Steve Curry [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 10:24 AM
To:; Walter L. Newton;;;;;; meteorite-list; JoshuaTreeMuseum;;;;;;;;; Randy Korotev; Randy L. Korotev; John Wasson; James
Wittke; Roger Warin; Ken Newton; Stuart McDaniel; Dr. Michael Zolensky; Dr.
Timothy McCoy; Maria Haas; Anne Black; Carl Agee; Chris A. Peterson; Dr.
Alex Ruzicka; Tim Stout; Galactic Stone & Ironworks; kevin.righter-1; Rainer
Newberry; Ted Bunch;; Moto Ito; Tomasz Jakubowski;
Ian A. Franchi; Zeus Crankypants; Catherine (Cari) Corrigan; Matthew
Subject: High Noon!

Hi Boys & Girls;  You've all had a wonderful time, over past couple of
years, in trying to denounce my research, attacking my integrity, defaming
my character, and, most importantly, making absolute fools of yourselves!
 I've allowed this, and I've exhibited a great deal of tolerance for your
highly unprofessional, and grossly unethical behavior, but, I will not
tolerate your abuse of my family, friends, and business colleagues.  YOU
    As an organization, that explicitly demands behavior above & beyond
reproach, it is quite apparent, that the IMCA does not enforce its own
policies.  Each & every member of this organization needs to hang their
heads low, in shame, for allowing the Administration of the IMCA to engage,
support, and condone this type of behavior by its membership.
    This is not to say, that all members of the IMCA, exhibit this abhorrent
behavior.  I trust, that there are many members of high integrity, honesty,
sincerity, and commitment to the many sciences surrounding meteoritics.  To
those members, I ask that you take a stand against those members, who have
treated this organization with such selfish disdain, and disregard of its

    IMCA member, Adam Hupe, recently raised a flag of protest, over my use
of the term, "NWA 5000," in comparing our "Uncompahgre Lunar Feldspathic
Breccia" meteorite to his prized possession, purchased from a Moroccan
dealer.  Mr. Hupe seems to think the "NWA 5000" is, somehow, a title
deserving of a Trademark!  For starters, "Northwest Africa" is by
geographical location & description, in "Public Domain!"  "5000" is merely
an integer, or number, and cannot be trademarked.  It, too, is considered
"Public Domain!"  The US Trademark Office would, simply, laugh at Mr. Hupe's
submission.  It would not get any more embarrassing for Mr. Hupe, than this!

   If Mr. Hupe, and other IMCA members, would like to end this, once and for
all, here is my challenge, and I will not accept any substitutions,
alterations, or changes, to this challenge.  You can, also, trust, that this
challenge this will be fair, and without bias, or prejudice.  Unlike you
folks, I play by the rules, and I play fair, and honestly!  You can trust,
too, that the stakes are extremely high!

    Just for sport, I'm going to name this game, "HIGH NOON IN WESTERN
COLORADO!"..........Even though, this dual will be held in the evening.
    I am giving a meteorite lecture & seminar at the Delta County Library,
on September 20, 2011, @ 6:00pm.  If Mr. Hupe can trust his fellow IMCA
member, Blaine Reed, Mr. Hupe is to send a specimen sample of the "NWA 5000"
to Mr. Reed.  Mr. Blain Reed must show up at this lecture, armed with his
new toy, as in his XRF hand-held analyzer.  I, too, will show up with our
XRF hand-held analyzer, which will be operated by an experienced geologist
from Western Colorado.
   Mr. Reed, and our geologist, will conduct XRF analysis on both the "NWA
5000," and our "Uncompahgre Lunar Feldspathic Breccia."  Both stones will be
analyzed using the "Precious Metal Mode," and the "Prospector Mode," which
will produce elemental percentages, and elemental PPM's (Parts-per-Million).
 The results from Mr. Reed, and our geologist, will be recorded by a officer
from the Delta County Sheriff's office, which is next door to the library.  
   The analysis will, then, be compared by a jury of 12 men & women, in our
audience, to those figures obtained from NASA's Apollo Lunar Sample Atlas,
and the Lunar & Planetary Institute's "Lunar Meteorite Compendium."
 Comparisons will be acceptable, should the results of the analysis 's
within +(-) 5% of NASA's, and LPI's elemental chemistry, posted on these
official sites.  The Delta County Sheriff will review & tally the decisions
of the 12 jurors, and confirm their findings.
   Once the findings are tallied and authenticated, the Sheriff will
pronounce the decision of these jurors.  Should it be found, that our
"Uncompahgre Lunar Feldspathic Breccia" is, in fact, a similar match to Mr.
Hupe's "NWA 5000," and similar to the data published on the NASA, and LPI
website, I will demand that the following individuals put their reputations
& careers where their mouths have been!

1).  Mr. Hupe, will, within 72 hours of being advised of the Sheriff's
announcement, submit a "Public Letter of Apology," to Mr. Curry, his family,
and colleagues.  Mr. Hupe will, then, submit a "Letter of Resignation" to
the IMCA, effective IMMEDIATELY!  Mr. Hupe will, also, issue an "Affidavit,"
stating that he will never, ever, sell, buy, trade, or barter meteorites in
the United States, or elsewhere, for as long as he may live!
2).  Anne Black, the current President of the IMCA, will tender her
resignation with the IMCA; prepare, sign, and publicly post a similar
affidavit, stating that she will never, ever, sell, buy, barter, or trade
meteorites in the United States, or elsewhere, for as long as she may live!
3).  Maria Haas, the current Treasurer of the IMCA, will tender her
resignation with the IMCA, prepare, sign, and publicly post a similar
affidavit, stating, that she will never, ever, sell, buy, barter, or trade
meteorites in the United States, or elsewhere, for as long as she may live!
4).  Mr. Blaine Reed, an IMCA member, will, without hesitation, tender his
resignation with the IMCA, prepare, sign, and publicly post a similar
affidavit, stating, that he will never, ever, sell, buy, barter, or trade
meteorites, in the United States, or elsewhere, for as long as he may live!
5).  The following members, or affiliates of the IMCA, will tender their
resignations with the IMCA, effective immediately!  These members, and/or
affiliates, will also prepare, sign, and publicly post "Letters of
Apologies" to Mr. Curry, his family, and colleagues.  They will, also,
tender similar affidavits, stating, that they will never, ever, sell, buy,
barter, or trade meteorites in the United States, or elsewhere, for as long
as they may live!
A).  Michael Blood, San Diego; Walter Newton, Conifer, CO; Sonny Clary, Las
Vegas, NV; Geoff Notkin, Tucson, AZ, Steve Arnold, Fayetteville, AR; Matt
Morgan, Denver, CO; Steve Arnold, Chicago, IL; Count Deiro, Los Angeles, CA;
Sterling Webb, UKN; Walter Perry, UKN; and Ken Newton, (a.k.a "Magellon"),
6).  Surviving members of the IMCA will demand a purge of all members
associated with any attacks upon Mr. Curry's integrity, character, and
research!  These members will demand a full-scale restructuring of the IMCA
to the high standards set in the original charter of this organization.
7).  The following scientists, having collaborated with, consorted with, and
confederated with IMCA members to unfairly control the market place, and the
actual supply of genuine & authenticatable meteorites; particularly Lunar
meteorites, will tender their resignations to their home universities;
effective immediately.  These scientists will, without hesitation, tender
"Letters of Apology," to Mr. Curry, his family, and colleagues.  These
scientists will, also, prepare, sign, and publicly post similar affidavits,
stating, that they will never, ever, analyze another meteorite in the United
States, or elsewhere, for as long as they may live!

   Dr. Randy Korotev, WUSTL; Dr. Carl Agee, UNM; Dr. Lawrence Garvie, ASU,
Dr. Alex Ruzika, Cascadia Meteorite Lab, Portland State University, Dr. John
T. Wasson, UCLA, Dr. Alan Rubin, UCLA, Dr. Michael Zolensky, NASA's JSC, Dr.
Timothy McCoy, Smithsonian Institute; Dr. Arthur Elmann, TCU; Dr. Rainer
Newberry, UA@Fairbanks; Dr. Chris Peterson, Caltech/Denver Museum of Nature
& Science; Dr. Theodore Bunch, NAU; Dr. John Wittke, NAU; and Melinda
Hutson, Cascadia Meteorite Lab, Portland State University.

    Should it be found, that our "Uncompahgre Lunar Feldspathic Breccia"
does not match, in any way, shape, or form, to Mr. Hupe's "NWA 5000," or to
that of the Apollo Lunar Samples of Feldspathic Breccias, or meteorites
posted with the Lunar & Planetary Institute's "Lunar Meteorite Compendium,"
Mr. Curry will, without hesitation, close his Ebay posting of the
"Uncompahgre Lunar Meteorite," permanently, and forever.  Mr. Curry will
also initiate a "Public Letter of Apology" to Mr. Hupe, members of the IMCA,
and to above named scientists.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  The decision to engage, or not to engage, in this
"invitation to participate" in this "High Noon in Western Colorado," will
not be a joint decision of the IMCA members, nor made by the above
scientists.  The decision will be made by one individual, and one
individual, only!  That, one, individual will be Mr. Adam Hupe!  Mr. Hupe
will be held responsible, and accountable for, all consequences of his
actions, or inactions!  This includes any & all complaints, and all attempts
of litigation, stemming from Mr. Hupe's decision!  
    Should Mr. Hupe decide not to engage in this "Scientific XRF Duel," Mr.
Curry will consider his work, research, character, and integrity vindicated
and exonerated.  By "default," Mr. Hupe, the involved members of the IMCA,
and the listed scientists, will be bound by this "default," to issue
"Letters of Apology" to Mr. Curry, and tender affidavits, stating they will
"cease & desist" their operations of all sales, trades, barters, and
purchases of meteorites, for as long as they may live!  They will, also, be
bound by this "default," to tender their resignations to the IMCA, effective
   The listed scientists will, also, be bound by this "default," and will
sign & issue an affidavit, stating that they will never, again, analyze
another meteorite, for as long as they may live!  These scientists will,
also, tender their resignations with their parent universities.

   In all fairness to Mr. Hupe, and knowing that he is not a scientist, I
will offer the following "evidence," clearly indicating that our
"Uncompahgre Lunar Feldspathic Breccia" is, not only, of extraterrestrial
origins, but, it is of Lunar origins; as described & published by a number
of "esteemed" scientists.  For those individuals who need to see Ni, in a
specimen, in order to classify the specimen as extraterrestrial, I've
highlighted these just for you!
   As an alternative, or option, in accepting, or declining my challenge,
Mr. Hupe is welcome to bid on, or purchase one, or both, of these specimens,
at the current retail price listed on my Ebay postings.  All transactions
must be completed through Ebay channels, so if Mr. Hupe, or anyone else, is
interested in the 6.0kg "Uncompahgre Lunar Feldspathic Breccia," just let me
know, and I will get it posted!

Specimen #1: (394 grams) As posted on Ebay: Au (-9), Pt (29), Ag (-6), Pd
(-6), Fe (5,575), Zr (138), Sr (606), Rb (54), Pb (26), Zn (20), Cu (156),
Ni (66), Co (114), Ba (582), Cs (310).

Specimen #2: (6.0kgs); Au (-9), Pt (41), Ag (-7), Pd (-7), Fe (10.4K), Zr
(180), Sr (491), Rb (69), Th (9), Pb (62), Ni (65), Co (240), Mn (4,402), Ba
(998), Cs (151).

   For Mr. Hupe, and for those who may need assistance in recognizing
extraterrestrial debris, as in meteorites, I am providing the following link
for your perusal, and continuing education.  It is obvious, that most IMCA
members, could use a bit of continuing education!

Cheers & Bona Petite!

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