Hi Mike,

Now that does look unusual...never seen that before...reminds me of
some lunar meteorites! Would be most interesting to get some anaysis
done on that. I would have thought some one researching iron meteorite
formation and differentiation would be keen to have a look at it. Let
us know if you find anything exciting about it.

Graham, UK

On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 7:47 AM, Mike Miller <meteoritefin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone I have been cutting irons for years and never really
> noticed an inclusion like this in an iron before. It is a
> Muonionalusta slice and reminds me of a stone meteorite....the
> inclusion that is. Most of the time an inclusion is a single color.
> like a trolite. This one seems to have inclusions in the inclusion?
> Maybe they are common and I just never noticed before? Insight would
> be appreciated. Thanks for your input.
> http://www.meteoritefinder.com/catalog/inclusion.htm
> --
> Mike Miller 3835 E Nicole Ave Kingman Az 86409
> www.meteoritefinder.com
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