Expanding on Ron's posts last week and this most recent one is a website
devoted to the entire 2002-2003 ANSMET expedition. It's written in diary
format by several members with the bulk of entries by a man named Andy
Caldwell, a Colorado high scool teacher. It started as a link to his class
and in the end bacame a very interesting record of the trip with plenty of
photos and side info on the various posts and land features. It takes a
while to read, in fact I still have a few entries to go, but if you have a
little time to kill you may want to read a few days. It starts here
Ron,s posts have been parts of the entire record.
Rob Wesel
We are the music makers...and we are the dreamers of the dreams.
Willy Wonka, 1971

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ron Baalke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Meteorite Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2003 11:16 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Ice Diary 2: Great Scott, A Ghost (Life In The

> For JPL internal use only.
> Ice Diary 2: Great Scott, A Ghost
> Astrobiology Magazine
> February 27, 2003
> Summary: The "Ice Diary" series explores the adventures
> of a dedicated group of meteor hunters. The National
> Science Foundation, NASA and the Smithsonian collect and
> curate extraterrestrial samples scoured from the South
> Pole. In this chronicle, our explorers consider ghosts of
> pioneer trekkers like Robert Scott.
> Ice Diary 2
> Great Scott, A Ghost
> 29 November, 2002
> Hello, my name is Danny Glavin, and I feel
> extremely lucky to be a part of the ANSMET
> team. As part of my thesis research, I studied how
> micrometeorites collected from the Antarctic ice
> could have delivered extraterrestrial organic
> material to the early Earth, potentially seeding the
> planet with the building blocks of life. One
> meteorite found in Antarctica by ANSMET that
> has received an enormous amount of publicity is
> the Martian meteorite ALH84001.
> This rock was blasted off of the surface of Mars
> millions of years ago by a large impact, sent flying
> into space, and eventually landed in the Allan Hills
> region of Antarctica about 13,000 years ago. In 1996, a
> team of scientists from the NASA Johnson Space Center and
> Stanford University claimed to have found evidence
> for ancient Martian life in this meteorite. The debate
> over whether this meteorite actually contains evidence
> for life on Mars continues today. My personal opinion is
> that a Martian sample return mission that would give us
> several pristine "uncontaminated" samples will be necessary
> to resolve this "life on Mars" debate.
> Over the last week in McMurdo I have been trying to find the
> words to describe Antarctica -- other than simply "cold and white."
> Standing on the ice sheet at our "shakedown" camp about 12 miles
> outside of McMurdo, I had this overwhelming feeling of insignificance,
> with miles and miles of ice in every direction. Although it was a very
> bright and clear day, distances and dimensions were very difficult to
> judge. John Schutt, the reconnaissance team leader, asked me how tall
> I thought the Trans-Antarctic Mountains were in the distance. I guessed
> 5,000 feet, but they were actually 14,000 feet!
> One of the most important things to be concerned about in Antarctica
> is drinking LOTS of water. Keeping your body hydrated is the first
> defense against becoming sick.  Because it is so dry here, your body
> loses much more water than normal. Although I was told to drink between
> five to seven liters of water per day, I didn't drink enough when I first
> got to McMurdo. A couple of days ago, I started to get a sore throat,
> cough, and stuffed-up nose. After visiting the local hospital, I was
> told that I had picked up the "McMurdo Crud." The flight surgeon at the
> hospital prescribed me some medication, so I am feeling much better today.
> I really appreciate the extra help from the other team
> members so that I could get some much-needed rest.
> 30 November, 2002
> My body is sore. We have spent the last couple of days loading gear and
> food for our six-week expedition to the ice. So when the opportunity to
> go on a six-hour ride to a cold, windy point came up, my gut reaction
> was to decline. But then Cady Coleman, an astronaut on our reconnaissance
> team, started twisting my arm.
> We left at 6:30 p.m. in a couple of
> large transports called "Deltas."
> They are designed to travel over the
> sea ice, but they don't go faster than
> 25 MPH, and they don't have any
> suspension or heat. We got to Cape
> Evans in about 1 1/2 hours.
> Cape Evans is where Capt. Robert
> F. Scott launched his final run at the
> pole in 1913. The hut he built there
> has been perfectly frozen in time,
> and we were allowed to walk around
> inside. The table was still set, beds
> made, and a stack of seal blubber in
> the stables off to the side was still
> smelly. All the shelves were
> stocked with cans of cocoa and
> oatmeal. I couldn't help but feel
> there were ghosts present in the building.
> Scott never made it back to Cape Evans,
> but there is a memorial commemorating his
> sacrifice and others in the quest to reach the pole.
> Right outside the door was a Weddell Seal and her pup. They didn't
> seem to mind all the visitors and alternated playing and nursing
> while everyone snapped pictures. I was overwhelmed by their
> cuteness, and only took about 30 to 40 pictures.
> Fairly close to Cape Evans, a glacier coming off of Mt. Erebus is
> in contact with the sea ice. It forms a sheer wall of blue ice
> that stands over 500 feet tall. It was awesome in the true sense
> of the word. Despite this grandeur, the wind was howling and we were
> able to put our cold weather gear to the test.
> We had just left Cape Evans and Cady was well into a story about
> her launch on the Space Shuttle, when I saw a small black figure
> moving quickly across the ice. I yelled, "Penguin!" - cutting Cady
> off in mid-sentence. We piled out the back, and a small
> Adélie penguin made his way right in front of us. He seemed to
> be in a great hurry because he kept slipping on the ice, his flippers
> and feet moving wildly. This penguin really made my day. When we get
> back, we'll be asked if we saw penguins, and now most of us can say
> we did. Plus, he reminded me of my clumsy pet cockatiel at home. He
> was quite a character.
> 1 December, 2002
> It's strange to see this bustling community stop, but that's exactly
> what happened this weekend as McMurdo station observed Thanksgiving.
> It wasn't observed on Thursday or even Friday, when it was Thursday
> in the United States, but on Saturday. Everyone was given the day off
> and most saw it as an occasion to dress up for the dinner.
> Having a little time off has given us
> the opportunity to see some of the
> sights. On Friday afternoon, Jamie,
> Scott, Carlton, Nancy, Linda, Danny,
> and I went to Scott Base, the New
> Zealand base here on Ross Island.
> Scott Base is much smaller than
> McMurdo, but serves the same
> purpose. It's composed of
> interconnected modular buildings, so
> it's possible to travel between
> buildings without going outside. It's
> also built up on risers to keep the
> snow from accumulating around it.
> Today, Scott Messenger used his
> free time to run in the McMurdo
> Turkey Trot, a 5K race from the chapel
> to the ice runway and back. Dante, Danny,
> and I used the time to climb Ob Hill for
> an unbelievable view of Ross Island.
> Tonight is our last dinner together as a team, then the Beardmore
> group will need to take their bags to be weighed at "Bag Drag"
> for tomorrow morning's flight to Beardmore South Camp. We're
> taking two flights to get there in order to unload the palettes
> of gear and food and camp for the night. Then, on Tuesday, we'll
> start our 100-kilometer traverse to the Goodwin Nunataks site
> (A nunatak is a mountain sticking up above the ice of a glacier).
> 2 December, 2002
> This is Diane DiMassa, pinch-hitting for Andy. Andy is somewhat
> depressed today -- no not because the [Denver] Broncos lost, although
> that certainly isn't helping. You see, the main field team was scheduled
> to deploy to Beardmore Glacier today, but the weather has turned against
> us for the first time this season. All flights in and out of
> McMurdo Station have been grounded.
> Up until now, the weather here has been pleasant - cold, but actually
> pretty nice days considering what Antarctica can throw at you. Overnight
> and into this morning, a small storm passed through and the station went
> >from nice weather, or Condition 3, to not-so-nice weather, or Condition
> Below is a copy of the McMurdo Station Travel Policy. It explains the
> weather condition categories; it's the visibility that is affecting us
> the most today:
>     CONDITION 3 is defined as having winds less that 48 knots, wind chills
>     warmer than -75 F, and visibility greater than 1/4 mile. This is
>     considered the normal weather condition in McMurdo.
>     CONDITION 2 is defined by one or more of the following conditions:
>     speeds 48 to 55 knots, wind chills of -75 to -100 F, or visibility of
>     less than 1/4 mile.
>     CONDITION 1 is defined by one or more of the following conditions:
>     speeds greater than 55 knots, wind chills colder than -100 F, or
>     visibility of less than 100 feet.
> Andy is depressed because the sea ice runway has been swapping back and
> between Condition 2 and Condition 1 all day. I have mixed feelings about
> today's delay.
> As much as I would like the team to
> be able to get on with the meteorite
> hunting, I will be sad to see them go.
> I am on the reconnaissance (or
> Rekke) team. So when the main
> team leaves for Beardmore Glacier,
> Dean, Cady, Carl, and I will be left
> behind for a later deployment. It is
> likely that the main field party will
> be back in Christchurch, New
> Zealand before the Rekke team gets
> back to McMurdo, so I won't be
> seeing those folks again until the
> Lunar and Planetary Science
> Conference in March. We've all
> been getting along quite well,
> forming friendships that will last a
> very long time, so I will be sad when
> they leave.
> Another reason that I have mixed emotions about the delay is that
> I am secretly happy that the winds have picked up. (Don't tell Andy!)
> You see, I'm not a geologist like the rest of the crowd. I'm a professor
> of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Massachusetts in
> Dartmouth, and I have set up equipment to get some data on wind
> energy. Since the ANSMET team is a deep field party, we have to be
> creative in ways to supply enough power for the needs of the team --
> for example, powering Andy's computer so he can continue to post to
> this web site. I'm investigating the potential for small wind turbines
> to provide power in the deep field of Antarctica. My turbine system
> is happily collecting data on the sea ice right now (I hope), measuring
> the wind conditions and propensity for power generation.
> I am tempted to run out onto the sea ice to check to see if everything is
> OK, but I really don't have to. In the library at the Crary Lab is a
> small telescope. So, I can stand here and look through the telescope to
> see my set-up. Spin, little wind turbine! Spin!
> In this multi-part Ice Diary series, all commentaries are
> attributable to Andy Caldwell unless otherwise noted, and reprinted
> by permission as part of his participation in the Teachers
> Experiencing Antarctica (TEA) program.
> So far, meteorite hunters have found about 26 rocks on Earth that
> have been identified as having come from Mars (some of these
> broke apart upon entering the atmosphere, so the 26 rocks were
> found in about 40 separate pieces). For these rocks to have reached
> Earth successfully, their origin --often beginning billions of years
> ago-- likely blasted from at least a two-mile-wide impact crater on Mars.
> Most remarkably, at any given moment, this interplanetary sample
> transit delivers about one Martian meteorite landing on Earth each month.
> Since 1976, the Antarctic Search for Meteorites program (ANSMET), funded
> by the Office of Polar Programs of the National Science Foundation,
> has recovered more than 10,000 specimens from meteorite stranding
> surfaces along the Transantarctic Mountains. ANSMET continues to be one
> of the few Antarctic research projects that invites graduate students and
> senior researchers from other institutions to participate in field work
> on a volunteer basis--including the Teachers Experiencing Antarctica
> (TEA) program. As a multi-agency collaboration, the NSF supports field
> operations, NASA supports storage curation, distribution and notification
> of recovered samples, and the Smithsonian provides long term curation
> facilities for the collection and assist in sample characterization.
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