Hi all!

Rob Matson has been busy updating the files of the Comet LoveJoy and his latest ones are here. These are updated since my first post and much larger in size! Rob says, it covers almost two days of data, and it only missing one gap of about 3 hours. The AVI is a tad bit over 25mb so be warned!
Get them while they are there!
This is very impressive.... Y'all outta give Rob some atta-boys for this!!


Zipped  (~9mb):  https://k7wfr.us/RobertMatson/Comet_Lovejoy_SOHO_C3.zip

AVI (~25mb):  https://k7wfr.us/RobertMatson/Comet_Lovejoy_SOHO_C3.avi


Jim Wooddell

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