hi! cheers!
Steve Dunklee

--- On Sat, 1/28/12, MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com> wrote:

> From: MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> To: mar...@westnet.com, Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Saturday, January 28, 2012, 12:46 AM
> Hi Mark,
> "Would appreciate a reference for the nickel chloride being
> 15 times
> more carcinogenic than soluble nickel nitrate."
> That's not what I wrote although it could be true I have no
> such reference to support the above.
> What I did write was:
> "Only Nickel chloride (a result of ferric chloride etching)
> is carcinogenic at levels
> 15 times lower than those produced from nitric acid
> etching."
> There is a huge difference between what you understood and
> what I actually wrote as threshhold toxicity levels don't
> necessarily equate to activity factors.  This is
> because the body has dozens of competing homeostatic
> (metabolic, immune/allergic, etc.) processes that relate to
> detoxification and an imbalance occurs when that one single
> straw to many put on the camel breaks its back.
> The reference should be any MSDS (Material Safety Data
> Sheet), just check whichever one you have access to or dig
> up first.
> Toxicology, especially when it comes to carcinogens is so
> complex that I don't think anyone understands it, or they
> would already gotten a billion buck grant from the NIH by
> now.  It just comes in many small pieces.  I share
> your opinion that we should reference and I'm sorry if I
> just dumped all this information for discussion, but it was
> more useful that keeping i to myself.  I've not found a
> reasonable layman's treatise anywhere on the subject so I
> figured the met list was as good as it gets without opening
> yet another research project to compete with the other ones
> I've got floundering.
> Anyway, the exposure limits I mention I believe are for lab
> rats approximating other mammals, like humans.  Again,
> the more you get into this the more it's hard to muzzle
> oneself becasue now we're getting further into it:
> so - must ask, can you breath it in (probably not in most
> cases, but definiely cover your mouth, eyes, and any other
> open oriface such as a wound when doing this.  That
> should be 'common knowledge' but really if doing it for the
> first time, maybe not.
> and - must ask, so how permeable is the skin to it ...
> becasue if one has a 15X lower threshhold but is 15x more
> difficult to uptake, then we'd have a wash.  Then there
> are solubility issues, but these both look like they are
> well soluble, just a glance at the MSDS will answer that.
> last here, but definitely not any closure, is; what's the
> significance of getting these things into ones local
> envoironment and the general environment (waters, soils,
> air, etc.).  We don't think about this but doing it out
> on the concrete patio outside of the kitchen and tossing the
> waste into the immediate area, it will dry and become
> particulate contaminants which over time the wind will
> distribute in the lungs of little boys playing there,
> through the kitchen window, etc.  Probably no big deal
> in most cases, but there is always that one case that
> something goes terribly wrong.  And getting back to the
> maximum 'permissible' exposure limit (sheesh, now to add
> residence time, cumulative properties in the body, it's head
> spinning).
> Which is why, in this case for a rat which is assumed to
> react as a human (but may not), at least we can point a
> finger at the threshold of toxicity, which itself is a a
> single point determined after half of the subjects have
> croaked, illustrating that half are just fine whereas it is
> toxic to half of them at even lower levels, or something
> along tose lines.
> As for your other reference of isopropyl vs. ethyl alcohols
> and explosion hazards, I'm sorry but perhaps someone else
> has more time to develop this properly vs. this informal
> discussion forum.  If I had time and a full lab, I
> would start by maing a ternary diagram of the two alcohols
> and nitric acid, and plot the flash point of the mixture for
> starters.  The information I saw was anecdotal and not
> rigorous nor very quantitative.  However I don't hacve
> time to spend on this subject any more due to personal
> circumstances and recommend that you try googling. 
> This is not a case of a proving beyond a reasonable doubt
> that it is more explosive.  However there are enough
> warnings out there thaty would seem to suggest more violent
> and higher incidence of isopropanol-HNO3 mixtures than the
> EtOH analog, since we are talking about personal
> safety.  Clearly Isopropyl alcohol is similar
> inproperties relating to etching that given the more
> widespread use in general metallurgy of EtOH, it's the devil
> we know better
> I'm convinced of the Isopropanol/ethanol issue all I need to
> be more vigilant.  But that doesn't mean I wouldn't use
> it if there was some reason to do that.  Rather than
> obsessing too much over a terribly complex issue and coming
> to the same inconclusion, I'd just make simple, yet
> effective modifications to my procedure -
> Why deal with comncentrated nitric in a home environment at
> all?  How silly!  You (general) want to save a few
> pennies at your own risk, pennywise --- just have the
> Hazardous Materials emergency number handy.  Otherwise
> buy the diluted acid= problem significantly minimized. 
> You want to make etchant?  Don't make such a large
> amount in a bottle/beaker at once.  Don't use such an
> excess when etching, experiment by painting it on with a
> brush instead - problem significantly minimuzed ... and so
> on.
> Hope this gives better insight.  Having THE answer to
> these things is too tall an order, yet experience and common
> sense are why other individuals can etch more easily than
> making scrambled eggs.  Our appreciation of risk is
> terribly distorted.  Once I was in a discussion with
> Sterling sopmewhere discussing this and he even referenced
> someplace, proabbly wiki the bias I described had a
> name.  You know, the same one that evaluates whether to
> be frightened from falling asteroids vs. driving to work in
> the morning.  I'm still waiting for the thriller movie,
> "Highway jaunt" where no rogue asteroids or murderous
> psychopats pass by, but Strawberry Shortcake girl just takes
> her car for a spin and suddenly every individual in the
> traffic stream has a compulsion to run over her on her sweet
> bicycle.  Point of the dumb example being the high risk
> we have experience has much lower fear factor than the
> almost non-existent risk which ends in carnage and mahem,
> even if a decision tree analysis shows that the friendly
> risk is a million times more likely.
> Kindest wsihes
> Doug
> PS I have stretched too much to participate in this give
> some other difficult responsibilities I ahve at the m,oment
> so I did my best and will likely retire for a while to catch
> up on things.
> PPS, After all this, I think my new etchant of choice will
> be Coca Cola.  No doubt it works or can be tweaked to,
> too.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Grossman <mar...@westnet.com>
> To: nf114ec <nf11...@npgcable.com>;
> meteorite-list <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>;
> MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
> Sent: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 6:20 pm
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> Hi,
> Couple of thoughts.
> Mark's Law:
> If you're standing in the exact same spot as someone else
> when a mixture of
> nitric acid and ethanol explodes, the sensitivities of the
> two individuals
> to harm are always the same. :-)
> Both nickel chloride and nickel nitrate are soluble nickel
> compounds, and as
> far as carcinogenicity goes, the American Conference of
> Governmental
> Industrial Hygienists and the International Agency for
> Research on Cancer
> group the two compounds together.  As far as I am
> aware, there was no
> singling out of nickel chloride as being 15 times more
> carcinogenic than
> nickel nitrate - you indicated both are products of etching
> - one from
> ferric chloride and the other from nitric acid.  The
> insoluble oxides of
> nickel are more carcinogenic, but that's not the compounds
> you are referring
> to.  Would appreciate a reference for the nickel
> chloride being 15 times
> more carcinogenic than soluble nickel nitrate.
> Similarly, would appreciate a reference to isopropyl alcohol
> being more
> dangerous to use for etching with nitric acid than ethanol,
> under the same
> set of conditions.  Why is isopropyl alcohol more prone
> to a "freak"
> explosion or "blow up" than ethanol?  Explosions with
> concentrated nitric
> acid and ethanol are well-documented.
> Now I am not relying on Wikipedia as an academic reference,
> but I think the
> information contained on the webpage is worthy of discussion
> and/or
> criticism.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nital and the mention of
> the
> hazards associated with 5 and 10 percent solutions. 
> This information
> appears to come from Bretherick, which is a pretty good
> chemical reference
> that I have used in the past (see
> http://www.ab.ust.hk/hseo/tips/ls/ls005.htm).
> Reading Material Safety Data Sheets should always be
> required - but realize
> that many are inadequate and often do not list or spell out
> the safety
> precautions which should be employed.
> A lot of technical information was contained in the last few
> emails, and if
> we all agree that respect for chemicals is critical, then it
> would be useful
> to confirm the facts.
> Thanks!
> Mark
> Mark Grossman
> Meteorite Manuscripts
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "MexicoDoug" <mexicod...@aim.com>
> To: <nf11...@npgcable.com>;
> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 1:02 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> > Hi Jim,
> > 
> > My respects to all the ferric chloride lovers out there
> and 
> especially Ron
> > Hartman, bless him.  A blanket statement of a
> "better etch" is pretty
> > meaningless.  I recall asking Arcady who had all
> the Seymchan several
> > years back why all of his specimens were etched so
> deeply that they 
> looked
> > like someone chiseled the etch into them and then put
> on a matte
> > clearcoat.  He said, the customers prefer a deep
> etch.  I thought it 
> was
> > butt ugly (not to mention a more discrete etching such
> as by mild 
> nitric
> > acid's slow action introduces far less nucleation sites
> for 
> oxidation).
> > There are so many factors.
> > 
> > If the iron chloride etch were better it wouldn't hurt
> to send those
> > conclusions to the Smithsonian, British Museum, Weiner
> Naturhistorisches
> > Museum, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie (or whatever
> its called now)
> > Collection, Paris Muséum National d'Histoire
> Naturelle, etc. for 
> comment.
> > ;-)
> > 
> > BTW, there are many variables not realated to the etch
> to consider.
> > Though ferric chloride is 'easier', when it comes to
> mixing up, it 
> doesn't
> > mean it is less toxic in other ways.  Ever wonder
> if it was legal or 
> smart
> > to pour spent solution down the drain or into the
> soils? Nickel 
> chloride
> > and nickel nitrate (produced in etching) are both
> mutagenic.  Only 
> Nickel
> > chloride (a result of ferric chloride etching) is
> carcinogenic at 
> levels
> > 15 times lower than those produced from nitric acid
> etching.  But 
> with all
> > the other heavy metal ions in iron meteorites, again,
> respect for the
> > chemical is important regardless of what risks are
> perceived - it's 
> never
> > the full story and like smoking, everyone doesn't even
> have equal
> > sensitivity.
> > 
> > Kindest wishes
> > Douh
> > 
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jim Wooddell <nf11...@npgcable.com>
> > To: Meteorite-List <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> > Sent: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 6:48 am
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> > 
> > 
> > I believe there was an article by Hartman a few years
> back about the 
> use
> > of
> > ferric chloride.  The conclusion was that it gave
> a better etch???  I
> > think
> > it was in Meteorite-Times.
> > 
> > Jim
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Jim Wooddell
> > http://k7wfr
> > 
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "MexicoDoug" <mexicod...@aim.com>
> > To: <mexicod...@aim.com>;
> <mar...@westnet.com>;
> > <meteoritesno...@hotmail.ca>;
> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> > Sent: Friday, January 27, 2012 1:49 AM
> > Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> > 
> > 
> >> "Besides water, I'm suspecting Nitric + acetone
> (Nitkeytone ?) and
> > any
> >> number of other solvents would work"
> >> 
> >> OK, don'rt bother with this one!  I just did;
> It actually etches, but
> >> leaves a yucky finish.  The fumes are no worse
> than other nitals,
> > though I
> >> wouldn't want to breath much of them until I knew
> more; but there
> > didn't
> >> seem to be any decomposition.  I used reagent
> grade acetone to avoid
> >> possibly nasty impurities, and the nitric acid
> concentration only
> > 3.9%
> >> just in case I hit a flash point, full face shield
> and a fan venting
> > right
> >> out the door.  Nice to have had an 81 F day
> today and still its warm
> >> enough to open the door ;-) nice etch, terrible
> residue.
> >> 
> >> Kindest wishes
> >> Doug
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
> >> To: markig <mar...@westnet.com>;
> meteoritesnorth
> >> <meteoritesno...@hotmail.ca>;
> meteorite-list
> >> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> >> Sent: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 3:11 am
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> >> 
> >> 
> >> "explosive"
> >> 
> >> Definitely caution when playing around with
> corrosives is of the 
> first
> >> order...that said,
> >> 
> >> sure, ethanol is a racing car engine fuel and under
> the right
> >> conditions can combust; But people drink it even
> straight...
> >> 
> >> Many things we do have risks associated with them
> some very serious
> > and
> >> definitely we must respect all reagents especially
> corrosives like
> >> nitric acid.  For example, many people enjoy
> fireworks.  Yet,
> > fireworks
> >> are explosive and dangerous if you put them near
> sparks or heat,or 
> try
> >> to light them with a charcoal grill.  And
> obviously gasoline combusts
> >> too yet mechanics and Dads everywhere use it to
> clean hands and metal
> >> parts and also have arc welders nearby.  Or
> sulfuric acid inside a 
> car
> >> battery - don't get it on your bikini when working
> on the car!  If 
> you
> >> are going to use anything, it needs to be done with
> respect and a
> > quick
> >> read of the MSDS of whatever chemicals you are
> using... (and don't
> >> trust everything you read on a discussion l;ist
> posted at 3 AM)
> >> 
> >> It is not a good idea to have concentrated nitric
> acid and ignore the
> >> label, for example and my heart goes out to Anita
> on that.  Depends
> > the
> >> kind of person you are.  When I make my
> smoothie in the morning I use
> >> fresh cherries as one of 18-20 ingredients and a
> preparation that
> > takes
> >> an hour.  It's life threatening if I
> accidentally put a pit in my
> >> blender (which can easily liquify meteorites, it's
> so powerful) due 
> to
> >> the specialized needs of a family member who cannot
> eat.  So I double
> >> count the cherries first, count the pits as I punch
> them out, and 
> then
> >> count them once again when I dispose of them. 
> No shortcuts, All
> > common
> >> sense!
> >> 
> >> Bart Simpson's pet python once made nital in an
> episode of The
> >> Simpsons, which is amusing if you haven't had a bad
> experience you
> >> can't laugh about.... I think the writers were
> Caltech rejects that
> > had
> >> to go to MIT and have to do this to humor
> themselves, this wasn't the
> >> only snarky chemistry episode.
> >> 
> >> (episode: Stop or my Dog will Shoot!)
> >> 
> >> Here's the link:
> >> 
> >> http://video.i.ua/user/810302/8185/35583/
> >> 
> >> it take a little time to stream, but once ready the
> scene is at the
> >> 17:49 minute:seconds mark.
> >> 
> >> ... and that' why in my summary which I did much
> too quickly to be
> >> complete, I suggest that you use water, that is to
> say, NitH20,. or 
> as
> >> it's commonly known just dilute Nitric Acid, rather
> tha alcohols to
> >> develop your method.  Nothing wrong with
> water, it is really getting 
> a
> >> bum wrap and it is GRAS ;-)  It is what
> everyone that is using FeCl3
> > is
> >> using as a diluent, too.  For the HNO3 the 3.0
> N concentration works
> >> best for me.  Absolutely no need to buy
> concentrated acid and you can
> >> avoid all the issues of what to add to what and no
> need for Hazmet
> >> backup.  You can buy it already diluted, get
> the same benefit of a
> >> nitric acid etch (alcohol doesn't etch, it's only a
> carrier and
> >> diluent).  Just crank up the oven to the
> higher end of a safe drying
> >> temperature.  That's the only real benefit of
> alcohol in my opinion -
> >> it allows a cooler drying which can povide a nicer
> (lower oxdation
> >> residue on the virgin etched surface, but now we
> are staerting rally
> > to
> >> split hairs...IMO.
> >> 
> >> Speaking of diluents, there's no reason nital
> (alcohol) is special as
> > a
> >> diluent.  Besides water, I'm suspecting Nitric
> + acetone (Nitkeytone
> > ?)
> >> and any number of other solvents would work fine if
> not be hiding a
> >> secret for even a better etching solution. 
> Sure acetone is flammable
> >> and can give you the willies too, you can't win but
> that doesn't stop
> >> women who understand the chemical they use from
> putting it on their
> >> fingernails ;-) granted not with acid, though I bet
> some do
> >> inadvertantly mix it with salycilic acid solution
> when disolving
> > excess
> >> skin ;-), which if not used properly could
> chemically remove a lot of
> >> flesh ...
> >> Kindest wishes
> >> Doug
> >> 
> >> 
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Mark Grossman <mar...@westnet.com>
> >> To: MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com>;
> meteoritesnorth
> >> <meteoritesno...@hotmail.ca>;
> meteorite-list
> >> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> >> Sent: Fri, Jan 27, 2012 12:32 am
> >> Subject: Fw: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Did a quick search on the internet.  Read this
> tale from the 
> Meteorite
> >> Association of Georgia regarding the hazards of
> mixing nitric acid 
> and
> >> ethanol:
> >> http://www.meteoriteassociationofgeorgia.org/article-052007.htm.
> >> 
> >> Mark
> >> 
> >> Mark Grossman
> >> Meteorite Manuscripts
> >> 
> >> 
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Mark Grossman" <mar...@westnet.com>
> >> To: <mexicod...@aim.com>;
> <meteoritesno...@hotmail.ca>;
> >> <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> >> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 11:40 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> I don't know all of the details of the etching
> process, but a word of
> >>> caution - mixing concentrated nitric acid with
> ethanol can result in
> >> an
> >>> explosion and a fire.  I've witnessed the
> results of the reaction 
> when
> >>> someone inadvertently mixed the two in a lab
> years ago.
> >>> 
> >>> Mark
> >>> 
> >>> Mark Grossman
> >>> Meteorite Manuscripts
> >>> 
> >>> ----- Original Message -----
> >>> From: "MexicoDoug" <mexicod...@aim.com>
> >>> To: <mexicod...@aim.com>;
> <meteoritesno...@hotmail.ca>;
> >>> <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> >>> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 11:23 PM
> >>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching solution
> >>> 
> >>> 
> >>>> PS - if you don't have a hood or other
> exhaust, the methyl alcohol
> >> could
> >>>> also be dangerous becasue the liver breaks
> it down into toxins and
> >> you
> >>>> will inhale some of it.  That's
> another reason why I use ethanol in
> >> the
> >>>> oven, and frankly much more important a
> reason than saving a few
> >> pennies
> >>>> ;-)  You can consider the residence
> time of the toxins in your
> >> system to
> >>>> be as long as a week, so if your are doing
> etxching all day 
> long,and
> >> are
> >>>> using methanol nital you definitely need a
> very well ventilated
> >> place,
> >>>> and methanol is sneaky worthy of a CSI
> episode of an innocent who
> >> done it
> >>>> since the syptoms and critical second hit
> can be stealth and barely
> >>>> naseaous for the first.
> >>>> 
> >>>> I know you didn't ask about methyl alcohol,
> but its good to see the
> >> 4
> >>>> common solcvent benefits/liabilities side
> by side, at least my take
> >> on
> >>>> it. Anyway, you can see why ethyl alcohol
> iis usually preferred.  I
> >> just
> >>>> checkethe azeotrophes andisopropyl is only
> 2.3 C above ethanol
> >> mixtures
> >>>> so its ability to remove water would be
> very similar in the oven,
> >> the
> >>>> last thing to look up to decide
> theoretically approximating the
> >>>> penetrating ability as related to the
> surface tension of the 
> alcohol
> >>>> (just a guess) what is the bestest alcohol
> would be to check the
> >> surface
> >>>> tension.  I just did and all three
> alcohols are nearly 4 times that
> >> of
> >>>> water and within 5% o each other, so I
> would think that on
> >> penetrating
> >>>> ability they are probably all tied and
> would argue all factors
> >> considered
> >>>> ethanol is best since the worst you get is
> a standard hangover in
> >>>> standard use conditions, and to get a freak
> explosion from EtOH
> >> mixtures
> >>>> with acid is minimal compared to
> isopropyl.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Ferric chloride of course doesn't have the
> toxicity not
> >> flammability, but
> >>>> it stains like heck and with proper respect
> for the reagents plus a
> >>>> little experience, like everything else the
> risks are minimized.
> >> That's
> >>>> another reason to start with dilute nitric
> which I highly recommend
> >> until
> >>>> you have the bugs worked out of the etching
> "assembly line", ie,
> >> method
> >>>> you find best for your work.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Good luck,
> >>>> 
> >>>> Kindest wshes
> >>>> Doug.
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: MexicoDoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
> >>>> To: meteoritesnorth <meteoritesno...@hotmail.ca>;
> Meteorite-list
> >>>> <Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> >>>> Sent: Thu, Jan 26, 2012 10:30 pm
> >>>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Etching
> solution
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> Craig,
> >>>> Let me add (the message actually got away
> before being finished as 
> I
> >>>> write piecemeal and then send) that as far
> as etching it works 
> fine,
> >>>> but if you look at the series of alcohols,
> methyl (bp = 65 C), 
> ethyl
> >>>> (bp = 78 C) and isoproply alcohol (bp = 83
> C), methyl alcohol
> >>>> (methanol) is by far the safest until you
> get a lot of experience
> >>>> working with these under a hood. 
> "Ethyl nital" is mildly flammable
> >> in
> >>>> and Isopropyl nital is pretty dangerous
> since if can blow up in
> >> certain
> >>>> conditions that aren't difficult to
> arrange.  Nothing to do with 
> the
> >>>> etching results which are left to trial and
> error, but rather the
> >>>> safety which I should have mentioned.
> >>>> 
> >>>> While all the alcohols work fine, keep in
> mind two of the factors
> > you
> >>>> are working with are miscibility/penetrant
> ability and vapor
> >> pressure.
> >>>> Vapor pressure you can estimate by boiling
> point - lower bp is a
> >> higher
> >>>> vp.  The higher vp the quicker it will
> evaporate out, so methanol
> >> would
> >>>> seem to have the advantage, thought it
> might form some azeotropes
> > and
> >>>> stay in longer, as could the rest without
> looking this up (no time
> > at
> >>>> the moment).
> >>>> 
> >>>> To the series of three common alcohols you
> could just add water bp 
> =
> >>>> 100 and consider it almost as a continuim
> and play with the you 
> like
> >>>> which will influence drying time among
> other important parameters.
> > I
> >>>> use methanol and later rinse with ethanol
> (cheaper for me), which 
> is
> >>>> the reverse of good drying practice I would
> think, but half of the
> >> time
> >>>> I just use the diluted acid at 2 - 3 N.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Hope that was a better answer, sorry for
> not finishing the first
> >>>> kindest wishes
> >>>> Doug
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> -----Original Message-----
> >>>> From: Craig Moody <meteoritesno...@hotmail.ca>
> >>>> To: mexicodoug <mexicod...@aim.com>
> >>>> Sent: Thu, Jan 26, 2012 9:42 pm
> >>>> Subject: RE: [meteorite-list] Etching
> solution
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> Much appreciated Doug, Thank you!  I
> have lots of 99% around.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Craig
> >>>>
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> > http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list
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> Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
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