Hi Folks, I think this off-topic thread has run its course.

Regards, Art

On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 7:57 AM,  <geo...@aol.com> wrote:
> Sterling>>I make the perfect expert  for this dispute because I
> am not a frontiersman and know nothing about  lions,
> cougars, pards, and whatnot. Knowing nothing, I
> was forced to  GoogleStorm the question of "mountain
> lion" shoe-size.<<
> Well  after going over what Sterling dug up, it would seem that what eric
> seen in  florida is within the realm of possibility. I sure would love to
> have found the  photos that were taken of the two mountain lions killed at my
> father in laws  place. I looked high and low. The big interest in those
> photos were the size of  its head and front paws compared to my father in laws
> hands. Perhaps the furry  part on its paws made it look larger than the foot
> print producing pads? During  that period (In the late 1980's and early
> 1990's), there was an incident about 2  miles from my in laws place where a
> mountain lion swatted the butt of a 4 year  old kid at Cuyamaca State Park 
> while
> camping. the lion came right into camp and  attacked the kid. This was all
> caught on video. A park ranger shot and killed  it. within a year or two of
> this, a mountain lion killed a woman hiker within  cuyamaca Park. I can't
> remember if this one was killed or not. We had a woman  friend of ours who was
> hiking in Cuyamaca that suddenly had a lion appear on the  trail about ten
> feet from her. She did a series of things that did no  good...such as holler
> at it, blow a loud whistle and wave her arms. She said the  lion just sat
> there looking at her. Finally out of desperation she hit it in the  head with
> her walking stick and it turned and trotted off. While living in Texas  many
> years ago, I often heard stories about mountain lion attacks or the threat
> of them, but never heard of one caught or killed there. I'm sure they were
> around, but I didn't feel threatened. They probably had plenty of food
> around to  be much of a threat to humans.
> George Zay
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