Funny how all of these have been winding up in my spam box the
past few years. Like we are too dumb to wonder why.

On Thu, Mar 15, 2012 at 6:22 PM, steve arnold
<> wrote:
> A final hello list. I have decided once and for all to pull the plug
> on my meteorite endevors. At almost 58, it is time for me to move on
> to enjoy mine and my wife's time together with family and friends. I
> have owned many a rare meteorite in my 13 years. I have really enjoyed
> my time with some of the nicest people I have ever known. I will
> always be around if you need to email me or call me for what ever
> reason. I just will not surround myself with meteorites anymore. I
> have seen to many good people get divorced because of these things. I
> know they are an addiction but a beautiful hobby. Unfortunately they
> cost alot of $$$$$$$. And being out of work I just cannot collect the
> way I used to. I will go by the way of GEOFF CINTRON,MARK BOSTICK,JOHN
> GWILLIAM and just fade from everyone's mind. It has been a blast.8
> tucson show's to my credit. Well over I guess $100 K of buying
> meteorites over 13 years. Of all the people I have met in this great
> hobby, BOB HAAG and BOB C. they have been the best to me and I'll miss
> them the most. But I'll miss everyone to whom I have be-friended. If a
> meteorite falls in my neck of the woods, I'll be there to help hunt.I
> will always have a place in my heart for these things from another
> world. As I get ready to celebrate my 14th wedding anniversary,I am
> truly blessed to have such a great wife. I want to wish everyone a
> truly blessed rest of your lives and may the hand of god be on you
> always. This will be final post. As the other post I made
> yesterday,please feel free to give me your best offer on my 3
> remaining meteorites. Good by from chicago!!!!!!!!
> --
> Steve R. Anold, chicago, ill.
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