Hi List,

I just got in tonight from a week long hunt at Sutter's Mill. I would like to thank Marc Fries and Rob Matson for their tireless efforts coordinating all the data. These two folks made it all possible. Thanks, you guys rock! It was great to see everyone out in the field working together to recover pieces of this rare fall. It was a pleasure to see such comradery amongst all of the teams. I hope to have the pictures up on my web site over the next few days. You will be surprised at some of the shots. It was a blast. I will include a picture of my spectacular 8.3 gram fully fusion crusted oriented complete stone. The fusion crust just glistens in the sun. I wish the best of luck to the hunters still out in the field. Who knows, maybe I can try and get back out next week. It amazes me how popular this carbonaceous chondrite is . Who would think that this suspected CM chondrite is selling in the field for three times the price of a witnessed martian meteorite fall.




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