> On 5/9/2012 9:15 AM, Steve Dunklee wrote:
Saw an near earth object last night @4:45am central time. First saw it just 
below polaris in the northern sky with a brightness like Venus at its 
brightest. where it started was obscured by a roof. It continued in an 
easternly direction passing the bottom of Cassiopea and faded out just to its 
left in i think the bottom of  ?Draco?
     Found no postings on heavens above for an astroid passing by so if im 
first this ones name is Lesa2012.

There are no NEOs anywhere near that bright. The only orbiting object
that bright is the ISS. Most likely, this was a VERY near Earth object,
like an airplane or weather balloon.


I agree: this cannot have been a NEO.

General west to east movement and fading description fits a satellite.

It can't have been the ISS by the way, given the time.

But there are quite a number of other satellites than can flare to well into the negative magnitudes.

- Marco

Dr Marco (asteroid 183294) Langbroek
Dutch Meteor Society (DMS)

e-mail: d...@marcolangbroek.nl

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