Hi Martin and List,

Interesting that the last official find date is May 12 (Robert Ward's
big stone), and yet we have heard news of other finds since then.
Even if unreported finds are being made, the overall rate of finds
does appear to be dropping off significantly now.  I wonder if we are
seeing the end of the "fresh" finds from this fall, or if more will
turn up later as time goes on?

Unofficial TKW and find tally page - http://www.galactic-stone.com/pages/lotus

As of this writing, the unofficial TKW is - 432.81g

Taking into account unreported finds, we are probably around 500g
(.5kg) of recovered material.

Still waiting in great anticipation to see what the official
classification will be.  :)

Best regards and happy hunting!


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG

Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com
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On 5/21/12, karmaka <karmaka-meteori...@t-online.de> wrote:
> New data are available:
> SM 35 (coordinates), SM 47, SM50 (Ward, 42 g) and SM 51
> http://asima.seti.org/sm/
> Martin
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