Hi Mike,

I don't know about the particulars of Australian meteorite laws, but since this 
new lunar appears to have been recovered as part of an institutional search 
expedition, and with such a low TKW, I doubt the museum will be interested in 
trading any of it away.  Not to mention the legal export hurdles.  But I hope 
I'm wrong!  ;-)


On May 25, 2012, at 10:06 AM, Michael Gilmer wrote:

> Hi Ben, Doug, and List,
> A great new lunar.  So, how exactly does that work in Australia?  Can
> the finder keep it?  Is the finder reimbursed if the stone is property
> of the government?  I know about the export part of the process, but
> can an Australian hunter keep his find (or part of it) or must he/she
> hand it over to the state?  I'm unclear on how that works.  What if
> the meteorite is found on private property versus public/government
> land?
> PS - there is also a new Martian in the latest Met Bulletin update.
> Best regards,
> MikeG

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