Dear Werner

Nope!!! there are no "hollow meteorites", as physics wouldn't allow
one-- and this is not a meteorite: it is a sedimentary nodule composed
of any combination of iron compounds such as
hematite/goethite/limonite -- known by its slang term "indian paint
pot" in the US.

These hollow nodules form in a complex
replacement/substitution/mineralization with (Iron, sulfur, oxide and
hydroxide) of organic objects--such as drift wood or fecal pellets
which have been through a cycle of burial in an oxygen
depleted(anoxic?) muck while the ground water's chemistry and
temperatures change.  Left to weather in an oxygen-saturated,
soil-environment, it will revert to red and yellow ocher.  Being a
source of ocher-a typical pigment of aboriginal body paint,  we assume
gave rise to the other mis-identification "indian paint pot".

So...this was not a meteorite in origin and the label illustrates the
state of poor meteoritical understanding both in the Victorian era and
with the general public today. All the historical labels in the world
won't change the fact that this was misidentified when it entered
someone's collection originally.  Given the 22 bids and $280+ thus
far, it tells me that there are a lot of suckers who haven't bothered
to gurd themselves with even the basics. So the mis-identification may
continue another 100 years, long past the Elizabethan Dos and
Charlesian eras of the future.

I am curious as to the situation when or if they apply for an export
permit: Surely someone in the chain of review will detect the bad
identification . Even if so, will they let the sell go through to be
shipped as "fossil poop of unknown origin".


On 6/10/12, W&S Schroer <> wrote:
> Hello listees,
> I just found this interesting looking specimen on ebay.
> Are there any other hollow meteorites out there? ;)
> Cheers
> Werner Schroer
> Australia
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