Bingo.  LOL.

Officially, it's the IMNPA Local #222.

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG


On 6/15/12, PAUL KURIMSKY <> wrote:
> Just a guess, International Meteorite Nit Pickers Association? LOL
> -------------------
> Paul Kurimsky
> --- On Fri, 6/15/12, Michael Blood <> wrote:
> From: Michael Blood <>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] IMNPA
> To: "Met. Michael Gilmer" <>, "James Masny"
> <>
> Cc: "Meteorite List" <>
> Date: Friday, June 15, 2012, 12:55 PM
> Hi Mike and all,
>         Mike, please decode the acronym  IMNPA
>         Thanks, Michael
> On 6/15/12 6:49 AM, "Met. Michael Gilmer" <> wrote:
>> Hi Jim and List,
>> No need to apologize.  This discussion has been (for some) :
>> a) interesting
>> b) fun
>> c) horribly redundant
>> d) cruel to horses
>> e) epic
>> f) none of the above
>> A key point to remember, when considering the virtues of the term
>> "hammer fall" or the merit of this discussion is : the hammerheads on
>> this list were minding their own business, when it was strongly
>> suggested that were are scammers who are trying to confuse innocent
>> collectors and swindle them out of their money by engaging in
>> "marketing".  We (or I) weren't going around in public proselytizing
>> the usage of the term and encouraging others to use it.  We were not
>> engaging in any campaign to promote hammerheadery or launching salvos
>> against those that do not use the term.  I simply defended myself (and
>> a small handful of others) from negative allegations regarding the way
>> in which we choose to enjoy our common hobby.
>> Mike Farmer is suggesting I am retarded.  I'm used to that and wear it
>> as a badge of honor when one of the world's best meteorite hunters
>> takes time out of this day to single me out as mentally deficient.  As
>> for everyone else, I will only say this - there are a few of us
>> (although I only speak for myself here),  who didn't want our
>> participation in this hobby needlessly nit-picked, so we avoided
>> joining IMNPA.  Of course, my membership in the IMNPA was shelved
>> because I have 5% Swahili and 2% Beatnik in my bloodline, but that is
>> another story...
>> Jim has said it best I think - "Using the term might make the seller
>> feel the stone is
>>> more important and makes it more marketable, but to an educated and
>>> knowledgeable buyer, it doesn't really matter."
>> I asked a specimen of Park Forest today if it feels more important
>> because it is arbitrarily labeled a "hammer fall" by a small
>> percentage of dealers and collectors.  It hasn't answered me yet.
>> When it does finally answer me, I'm not sure I will understand it
>> because I'm not educated or knowledgeable enough.  I will forward the
>> answer, when I receive it, to the IMNPA for decryption and
>> interpretation.  Hopefully then this poor horse can be laid to rest.
>> In the meantime, there is an episode of Jersey Shore on TV today that
>> I am going to watch.  It is a new episode where Snooki and J-Wow
>> debate the merits of orientation feature terminology as it pertains to
>> meteorites.  I'm definitely going to TIVO this one.  :)
>> Best regards and happy collecting,
>> MikeG
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