Hi Gang,

I think a hammer-fall killed the mammoths......................  ;)

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - MikeG

Web: http://www.galactic-stone.com
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On 6/16/12, John Lutzon <j...@lutzon.com> wrote:
> I really hate to get into this one. However, Richard you always seem to get
> a good chuckle outta me.
> And, let's not forget bovine flatulence.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Richard Montgomery" <rickm...@earthlink.net>
> To: "E.P. Grondine" <epgrond...@yahoo.com>;
> <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 10:54 AM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] What killed off the Mammoth?
> Hmmm....I thought it was aerosol sprays, SUVs and Edison lightbulbs (all
> sales of the latter, btw, have been suspended.)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "E.P. Grondine" <epgrond...@yahoo.com>
> To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
> Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2012 7:38 AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] What killed off the Mammoth?
>> Hi Paul -
>> The answer is the same thing that killed off many megafuana
>> intercontinentally, instantaneously, and simlutaneously: global climate
>> collapse, i.l., "nucelar winter".
>> Now they are two causes of global dust loading, one of which is volcanic
>> eruption, the other impact. Since we have no evidence of volcanic
>> eruption, we are left with impact.
>> PS- Sterling, Wrangle Island mammoth were already the size of large dogs,
>> so small as to constitute a different species, using the old definition
>> based on ability to interbreed.
>> EP
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