
Just a few weeks ago, I posted a short summary message on this 
subject.  It should be in archive on March 1.

The best answer is to use a big metal-cutting band saw.  That's
probably the only good way to cut big irons.  I have cut Campos
on a lapidary saw, but it takes a very long time and the blade
suffers.  I use a homemade gravity feed system.  I haven't cut 
enough to gauge blade wear.

I've heard that A Meteorite magazine article by Allen Langheinrich 
discusses the details, but I haven't seen the article.  I think 
it might have been in the August 97 issue (which is sold out).

The classic advice is to leave it to the pros.  Some would 
probably be happy to give you an estimate of the cost.

--Jamie Stephens, IMCA 2828

"" wrote:
> Hello all
> I want to ask You how You cut nantan or any other iron meteorite ?
> Besouse yesterday I received my 5kg nantan and start to cut it on one end
> (small slice around 7x4cm) and I destroy 2 diamond blades 0.5mm. This was
> verry strange, becouse diamonds from one half of this blades was weared out
> and from another not. Now I have this blades with diamonds for example 4mm
> on one side and 5mm on another (in diameter).
> This can be any troilite inclusion or what ? Blade was cut this nantan up to
> 1.5cm inside and then stop cutting and start waste blade.
> Anyone know what happend ? This was my first iron cutting on my machine.
> Thanks for help
> -----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
>               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>           +GSM (607) 535 195
> --------[ Member of: Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------
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