Hello Mal, Svend, Geoff, and all you listoids out there,

just like you Mal, I finished reading Geoff's book 'Rock Star' when Svend's book 'Henbury Craters & Meteorites' arrived in my mailbox and started reading it straight away. Although different in regard to their content, they both were easy to read and in my opinion very educating.

Some 20 years ago I lived only 300 miles south of Henbury but due to my ignorance and the lack of knowledge about meteorites at that time I didn't bother to drive to the craters. Thanks to Svend's book I learned so much about them and the meteorites found there that I've put a trip to Henbury on my bucket list, although this time it will be a round trip of some 2000 miles.

I can highly recommend both books, they are both affordable and and a 'must have' for anyone interested in meteorites.

Thank you Svend and thank you Geoff, you couldn't have done a better job.


Werner Schroer

-----Original Message----- From: Mal Bishop
Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2012 7:33 AM
To: b...@meteorite-recon.com
Cc: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] new book published: Henbury Craters & Meteorites - AD

Hi Svend,

I just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know how much I'm
enjoying your book.  It is wonderfully done -- incredibly researched,
and just an extremely well put together piece!  It's just a pleasure to
read and will be an indispensable tool for future reference.

It will sit proudly on my book shelf for many years to come!

I just finished reading Geoff's autobiography, 'Rock Star',
and was just fascinated from beginning to end with his life thus far.
I can't even imagine what he will do in the decades to come still being
so young and passionate as he is over our common interest of which we
all share and indulge ourselves!

We are so very fortunate to have SO MANY incredible people, from all
walks of life and all parts of the globe, who are so dedicated and
giving in the name of science by each adding their portion to the
knowledge base.  So many scholars, researchers, hunters, "fanatics of
the wonderment of why it all is" just never ceases to amaze me. This
treasure is growing so exponentially year in and year out, from decade
to decade, that it is actually rather breath-taking if one thinks about
it for a moment -- truly synergistic.  The ability to put the love of
learning, discovery, and expanding not only ones boundaries, but to help
instill the same passions in others is a remarkable human trait and this
group of people on our list have it in bucket fulls!

Thanks again for taking the time and putting in the amount
of work that it took to see to fruition a project such as the one you
have so carefully, and lovingly, put together for all of us space rock
devotees!  This goes for all of you who have taken the time, and have
the talents and skills, to put together something -- no matter what the
form -- that adds something which enrichens the experience for us all.

I'm not particularly talented at writing, nor articulate enough to put
in written, or spoken, word what I truly wish to express, but I do
wholeheartedly thank everyone whom I have dealt with in our community.
Whether being to add another treasure from the outer-sphere to my
collection, or the chance to obtain a new book full of exciting tales of
exploration, and wonderful words of wisdom -- given out from example and
experience, or mined from the dust of time long ago that was once new
and fresh to the then explorers of their time.

Unfortunately, many of us, me included, have to do our traveling and
exploring via books, or websites due to our particular circumstances
and individual situations in life -- but thanks to people like you, we
can all share in this grand adventure together through your efforts, and
all the other good folks, that make it happen for us all!

So many wonderful books have been authored thus far, but many, many more
are waiting there turn to come out of the minds of so many talented
people.  So many great websites devoted to our particular interest have
been created.  So many dedicated people doing so many incredible, and
not so ordinary, work just out of the pure joy, desire, love, and the
fundamental desire and thrill to know why about something, and then
share what they have gleamed from their eureka moments with the rest of
us, the chosen who saw the light from above -- literally in many instances!

Please forgive my corny, over-sentimentalized minor treatise, but I just
felt like it. :-)

My most heartfelt regards to all my fellow travelers of both time and space,


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