Hi Michael, Bernd, and List,

I strongly suspect this Bill is not named "Connoly".  The negative
tone, the poor grammar, and the disdain for anything he deems "spam"
screams out as another Bill on this list.  I think this fellow uses
more than one identity on this List and this Connoly identity is
nothing more than a "sock puppet" for this juvenile-adult to vent his
bottomless spring of negativity.  I think most of us know who I am
referring to.  I'm sure he will try to email me after I post this, but
I have blocked this person and his emails go straight to my trash bin.

Bernd, you are a true gentleman and a source of expertise on this
list.  Please ignore this sad bitter man and let him wallow in his
pile of Park Forest stones.  Everyone knows that you are a genuine,
positive, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic member of the meteorite
community, and the fact that this person would send you such a silly
and negative attack is further proof that this individual is
mentally-ill and hopelessly bitter beyond all reason.

I'll shut up now.  I think this person has already taken up more
discussion time than he is worth and he probably thrives on the chaos
he creates.  Let us starve him of further attention so he will crawl
back under his rock.  Just do like I did, block any email address he
uses to contact you.  Sooner or later he'll get bored and focus his
vitriol elsewhere.

Best regards,


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On 10/5/12, Michael Blood <mlbl...@cox.net> wrote:
> They certainly do.
> Michael
> PS: Bernd, you are always such a gentleman and
> Exclusively positive. (Now maybe I will get a post
> Asking why I am kissing your ass....!)
> People (not just Bernd) speak kindly of/to one another
> Because they genuinely LIKE people and because they
> Have what some refer to as "breeding." (that means
> Their mommies and daddies brought them up encouraging
> positive behavior and speech - or they learned it on life's path).
> Let me suggest you get a book called HOW TO WIN FRIENDS
> AND INFLUENCE PEOPLE - best on audio CD so you can
> Just listen to it when commuting in your car. It is viewed
> Poorly by some - but due only to the title, and also only by those
> who have yet to read it. (it has been a best seller for decades)
> It very clearly illustrates EXACTLY the answer to the original
> "question" you put to Bernd  - certainly far, far better than I have.
> Best regards, Michael
> On 10/5/12 1:34 AM, "Met. Bernd Pauli" <bernd.pa...@paulinet.de> wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> Got this from a certain Bill Connoly:
>> "Why do you always kiss all the dealers asses ?
>>  Dont need the extra spam......... take note"
>> No further comment because such words speak for themselves!
>> Best wishes,
>> Bernd
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