Great Job Larry . It was a fun adventure on our 1st hunt at BM. Wish I could of stayed longer & found a few my self. Thanks for my little chip ya gave me bro. See ya soon in AZ.

Scott Johnson
U.S. AirBorne Sport Aviation LLC
Eagles Nest Airpark
Sport Pilot C.F.I  WSC-L WSC-S
Office 509-780-0554
Cell 509-780-8377

From: "Larry Atkins" <>
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2012 11:00 AM
To: <>
Subject: [meteorite-list] Battle Mountain AD/ Field Report

Hello List,

A few days ago I returned from my second trip to the Battle Mountain
area. I found a total of 4 meteorites in 20 days of hunting, a 29g,
32g, 33.g, and a 236g, respectively. Interesting how it works out. I
found my first one on my first day, my second one on my third day, then
went 7 days straight without a find. I went home for a while caught up
on things, and returned to hunt for another 8 days without a find.
Finally, on my sixteenth day (combined days) without a find, with only
2 days left before I have to return home I find BaM 026, a 33.2g
oriented stone with a thumb size regmaglypt of primary fusion crust.
There is a tiny speck of white that I thought was a chip but upon
closer ispection I believe it's where the crust didn't finish forming,
through the glass you can see it lapping over. (This meteorite is for
sale, contact off list.)

The next day, the last day, I found BaM 027 in the first 5 minutes of
hunting. It weighs ~234g with out the 1.8g chip, 236g with it stuck on.
Keith found the chip for me with a metal detector, it was 18 feet from
the stone! We couldn't find the other small peces. Most agree, this is
perhaps the most beautiful stone to come from this fall so far. It's
highly oriented with 4 different phases of crust. A perfectly level
primary crust makes one wonder how large the original body might have
been. Once it bolided this fragment immediately oriented itself,
producing some nice flow lines and a rollover all the way around. There
is a 'drip' of crust that came off and stuck to the side leaving a
small cave over un-burnt, white material that can be seen when you tilt
the stone and look under the drip, I've never seen anything like it.
This rock is for sale. Email me off list with serious inquiries. This
is a world class meteorite worthy of the finest collection or institute.

I'm interested in selling BaM 026 a 33.2g fully crusted and lightly oriented individual.Taking offers. I'm interested in selling BaM 027 a 236g oriented specimen, as well. Taking offers.

The images aren't in any order, just a hodge podge.

I want to thank all that made this event a memorable experience.

Larry Atkins
 IMCA # 1941
Ebay alienrockfarm


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