This "Meteorite List" is turning into a "Politics List"!  lol I can understand 
both sides of the debate, and as a small time private hunter, sure I would like 
for the BLM to explicitly grant me broad, unrestricted permission to hunt 
meteorites to my heart's content on public land. But is that likely to happen? 
Of course not. As it stands, I don't feel particularly hindered by the current 
guidelines. My concern is that mounting an aggressive campaign to elicit a 
revision in these guidelines could backfire. The easiest answer for a 
bureaucrat to give, when pressed for a response, is "No". I'm happy to support 
any effort to document the accomplishments and contributions to meteoritical 
science by private hunters. I just hope that it is handled in a way that 
doesn't provoke an outright hunting ban by the Feds next year.

Doug Ross


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