Hi Michael and all,
        I have opinions about these things and in the next METEORITE MARKET
TRENDS in the January issue of METEORITE TIMES I will address them.
        In the mean time, folks, the louder we yell about this the more
likely we are to create resistance to impacting this situation positively.
        Pissing and moaning and pointing fingers seems to be very popular
Among the American public in general and on this list in particular, but I
Believe that continuing on with this issue in this forum has real potential
To cripple any "diplomatic" steps to impact this situation that might
possibly be achieved.
        Best to all, Michael

On 12/3/12 8:18 AM, "Met. Michael Gilmer" <meteoritem...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Every inch of BLM land and all of America was stolen from native
> American Indians - the true owners of this land.  Not the government,
> not some flag-waving redneck whose ancestors butchered, lied, and
> raped their way into ownership of it.  Gloss over it with history
> books all you want, but this belly-aching about our land being usurped
> by the government sounds awfully familiar to someone with Indian
> ancestry.  BLM stole "your" land?  Here's some smallpox-infected
> blankets to wipe your tears with.
> I don't like these new BLM regulations either.  I think it's a
> power-grab.  I think if it is enforced strictly, it will hurt science
> and all meteorite recovery.
> But get off this rigtheous nonsense about the land belonging to the
> people - it's nonsense.  We own it because we stole it by force.  How
> is that any different than what the BLM is trying to do now?  Feel
> violated?  Imagine.  Ask an Indian about this issue, if you can find
> one.
> Best regards and happy hunting,
> MikeG


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