Hello Frank,

Yes, solar implanted gases were detected and evaluated. This is summarized in the main text, p 1585 (see below) and further detailed in the supplementary text "Materials & Methods" where figures S1 to S36 can be seen, in particular Fig S27 (20Ne/22Ne versus 21Ne/22Ne plots).

Here is part of the related § of the main text:

..."SM is a regolith breccia. Like all CM chondrites (26), SM contains Ne from solar wind implantation in a surface regolith (fig. S27). Unlike most other CM chondrites, the brecciated nature of that regolith is evident: SM2, 18, 47, 48, 51, and 54 contain angular to rounded clasts embedded in a fine-grained comminuted matrix seen visually (Fig. 2A), by x-ray and backscattered electron mapping (Fig. 2B and fig. S13), and by x-ray and neutron computed tomography (figs. S28 and S30)"...

Kind regards,

Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
Université de Haute Alsace
3, Rue A. Werner,
F-68093 Mulhouse Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94

Frank Cressy <fcre...@prodigy.net> a écrit :

The "Science" abstract refers Sutter's Mill meteorite as being a regolith
breccia.  I've only read the abstract and several other abstracts, but I don't
remember any mention of it containing solar implanted gases.  I was under the
impression that to be a regolith breccia, there had to be a noble gas content. 
Am I missing something or am I completely wrong.  (It hasn't been the first



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