I want to thank everyone for their comments, concerns and suggestions
about the stolen meteorites. As I can put together more information I
will post it. There are additional specimens that were taken. Some of
them are shown in the pictures that Mike Hankey linked to from his
visit at PARI. If I can get photos from the security cameras, I will
post them.

I've done a small but important update to the partial list of stolen
meteorites. I have re formatted the list so weights of the specimens
are now shown.


The meteorite community has been very helpful in the past with
information that has led to the arrest of meteorite thieves and the
recovery of stolen meteorites. Let's hope that will happen again.

Many Thanks, John

On Thu, Dec 27, 2012 at 10:22 PM, J Sinclair <j...@meteoriteusa.com> wrote:
> Dear Meteorite Collectors and Dealers,
> On December 24, 2012 at about 3 AM local time, the Pisgah Astronomical
> Research Institute in western North Carolina was broken in to and well over
> 100 meteorites were taken.
> Many of these meteorites were bought from list members and list dealers over
> the past 15 + years. Many of them are going to be difficult to replace.
> There’s a reward offered for the recovery of these meteorites.
> I have pictures, more information and a list of some of the meteorites on
> the website -
> www.StolenMeteorites.com
> PLEASE take a look.
> I will be adding to this list and posting new information as it becomes
> available.
> There are several large multi kilo iron meteorites that were also taken. I
> will post information about them as I get it compiled.
> If anyone has any information or are offered any of these meteorites, please
> contact Dave Clavier at PARI or me.  All information will be kept
> confidential.
> Thank you,
> John Sinclair
> jsincl...@pari.edu
> j...@meteoriteusa.com
> 252-622-6430
> David E. Clavier, Ph.D.
> Vice President of Administration & Development
> Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
> One PARI Drive
> Rosman, NC 28772
> 828-862-5554 (main)
> 828-553-9713 (cell)
> dclav...@pari.edu
> www.pari.edu

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