Greetings Listoids

So so sorry to have to break anyone's ego-centrality but the terminology used 
in the "Met Bulletin" is foremost and primarily for benefit of science and the 
meteorite hobbyist is secondary.  

It must be emotionally discomforting for those trans-reality, die-hard fanatics 
in the world of meteorite bravado that the Meteoritical Bulletin remains a 
scientific venue--not a "Who Is" for meteorite hobbyist.  Bummer for the 3gm L6 
W4 "main mass" holders and those who only collect meteorites which fall in leap 
years -- whatever esoteric, artificial, insignificant distinction they assign 
to make their rock more valuable--must be unnerving to find out that the Met 
Bulletin wasn't set up just for them.  Lets not make this one of those 
perverted usurpations like happened with "main mass".  Main Mass holder 
publication, along with other major mass holders in the days before an ample 
supply of material , informed researchers where material was which might be 
available for comparative resarch.  

A "fall" designation establishes a specific date for  for calibration amongst 
other things as to onset of radioactive decay/terrestrialization.   There are 
several entries in both the Meteoritical Bulletin and Catalogue of Meteorites 
where a meteorite from an observed event was recovered months to years later.  
What the hobbyist wants to debate--the number of micrometeorites that can dance 
on the head of a pin is not yet a matter of scientific interest which merits 
elevation to a scientific category so far as I understand meteoritical science.

That said, the number of meteorites which would need an extended fall 
designation is well under one tenth of one percent so in the words of Ms Emma 
Peel--"Where's the beef?"  Really, now. This would at most affect less than a 
dozen actual specimens in all out collections combined.



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