Dear Jodie - Selling on eBay is a dubious endeavor in itself. Scientists are not enslaved to the problems of economic gains for the unenlightened eBay "flea marketeers".

NWA 7034 has extremely significant scientific potential, possibly equivalent to or exceeds that of what the Mars Rovers have/are reporting. After all, having a Martian specimen in-hand that has "water" and Martian atmospheric signatures together with the potential for other science options that can be investigated via the in-depth array of Earth-based instruments, may far exceed most present expectations of Rover sensing.

To quote me, "patience". You can make more money if you have "patience" and allow the scientists to do their stuff. Do not sell short, invest for the long term.

On 1/26/13 5:10 PM, Jodie Reynolds wrote:
Hello Ted,

Saturday, January 26, 2013, 3:27:34 PM, you wrote:

There is the "fever" to coin new terminology for this apparent "unique"
stone (NWA 7034),

If it's not named, how are people supposed to sell dubious samples of
it on eBay?  :-p~

--- Jodie


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