Hey Walter,
Do these look like Park Forest to you, first of all. I have'nt seen any close-ups till this set, but for a fresh fall, which we'll assume these are meteorites and they did'nt hit a dog, cow, crashed through a roof and destroy any CPU peripherals(printers, etc.), or the owner-for a supposedly untested L6, one of our list allegedly eyeballed it as an L6 Chondrite - a fair price would be in the neighborhood of $10.00gram. But you have to tell the owner that condition is a factor in pricing it- you know, fusion crust coverage percentage, fractures (pieces missing). I personally would wait and see what the 50lb. heads (scientists) come up with as far as any unusual composition, cause you might regret selling it so fast if it has a unique composition. Unless you know for a fact that they have a definitive analysis on this sucker, already, I would advise the fellow to wait it out and not join in in the selling frenzy. There's some guy on (SELL IT NOW)like Ebay, I personally never heard of it, maybe it's a part of Ebay, is selling his for $200.00gram-that's just greediness if the "fall" has'nt even been analyzed, even if it is a scientificaly proven "ordinary" L6, $200.00gr.? you gotta be out of your frieken mind to pay that. One of the List, I think it's Matteo(mcomemeteorites.it) wrote a "check it out" about the $200.00gram fellow. I hope that helps you a little bit. Nice to meet you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* Out of The Smoke Trail
IMCA #0583 -Roman N.

From: "walter branch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [meteorite-list] Fair Price for Park Forest?
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 23:40:06 -0500

Hello Everyone,

I received this email a few minutes ago.
Anyone care to step up to the plate and
suggest a fair retail price, on or off list.

The images the person provided are here:

>I saw your web site and wanted to get your thoughts on a fair selling
>price for some Park Forest meteorites I found over the last few days.
>I have included a few phots of my finds:
>Aprox. Weights
>119.5 grams
>16.1 g
>6.5 g
>5.4 g
>3.6 g


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