Jason Stated:

"I both disagree with you two -- and think this is BS because you're
attacking me for things I've said to you in the past".

My response:

Jason, please leave me out of your immature rants.  I certainly have had every 
planetary pairing examined by a competent scientists and followed proper 
procedure to get official numbers for entire batches.

I stayed away from Tissint other than a personal piece for my own collection.  
I never offered any because it was tainted by inexperienced dealers from the 
moment it was found.    I tend to stay away from planetary pieces with mass 
pairings and was not involved with Tissint knowing that emotions, not 
experience would dictate the market.

In the case of NWA 2975 that you refer to, I had around 38 individuals examined 
by a real scientist, donated the required 20%, paid lab fees and made every 
stone official under the NWA 4880 nomenclature.  Each and every piece was 
examined by Dr. Irving, a well known real planetary scientist, not a 
self-proclaimed one.

It has been my experience that people that focus too much on the faults of 
others are usually guilty of what they are accusing others of.

Now, please do not try to checker my reputation again.  Nobody likes a 
ta-tel-tale or a snitch, especially when his accusations are unfounded and 


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