Hi all!

I have never recommended the membrane boxes for storage...and in
particular long term storage and fall recovery storage on fresh

What are you guys using them for....display sort of thing?

My choice of storage:

1. Pure glass container - jar with glass lid with specimen above a
dissicate bag or two.

2. Teflon bags - kinda pricey but good stuff for long term storage and
movement of samples, imho

3.  None, in open air.  (I live in the desert)

4.  Gem Jars

None of these have ever let me down.

Last period of time I quit using a membrane box was shortly after
looking at Robert Wards Sutter Mill find that was in a membrane box.
As I looked at it, I noticed a fracture and I think both of us sh**
our pants at that point in time as RW did not see that prior.  My
suggestion was to loose the membrane box.  I am not saying the box
caused it, but the rock did not need anymore pressure on it!  What an
awesome rock it was!  The only membrane box I have left in use has a
small Allende in it that I purchased from Anne.  I just don't use
them...not that I have any sort of huge collection....just the
opposite really!


Jim Wooddell

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 8:55 AM, Sean T. Murray <s...@bellsouth.net> wrote:
> I have a very stubborn Ghubara that destroyed two membrane boxes in the same
> fashion.  Whatever evil substance that oozes from that chondrite kills a
> membrane in short span.
> Sean.
> -----Original Message----- From: tracy latimer
> Sent: Monday, March 04, 2013 10:28 PM
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Membrane boxes go boom?
> I am observing something weird with some of my older membrane boxes.  The
> membrane is starting to degrade and go cloudy, and in at least one specimen
> (Imilac, bought at Tucson, I forget the year) the membrane has ruptured and
> the slice is rattling around loose in the box.  Has anyone else had this
> happen to their specimens?
> Best!
> Tracy Latimer
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Jim Wooddell

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