Dear Sellers on the list,

I have been looking to purchase a number of different meteorites, so I have 
been going to the webpage links under some of your seller messages. What I find 
on some pages are a bunch of items that appear to still be for sale, but when I 
go to the meteorite linked page, it says SOLD.
I ask... if you have it listed on one page for sale, then when you go to the 
item page it is sold, and you have posted it that way... why keep it on there?
It makes it more difficult to shop around, and I will probably not shop on that 
site any further. I see something that appears to be for sale, and I think I 
might want it... only to find out it sold, over and over on that site.

Okay, I know you are proud of your past finds and sales, but think of the 
shopper.... Maybe you should put together an archive section of items sold....

Just a thought...


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