Don't forget the big one. NWA 5400. In this case even with the word of a real 
Scientist, people had to wait for Oxygen Isotope comparisons. Luckily, The 
science proved pairings but, a self pairing is never a good idea. 



---- Adam Hupe <> wrote: 
> I cannot believe in this day and age there are dealers self-proclaiming 
> pairings on planetary material?  I found that most collectors expect dealers 
> to have each and every planetary stone in a pairing series examined by a 
> competent scientist at the bare minimum.   
> My brother and I go as far as depositingthe customary 20% even though we may 
> suspect a pairing.  We do not make the judgment call ourselves.  NWA 1110, 
> 4880 and others come to mind.  We always get a unique number and claim the 
> weight of the entire batch when multiples are found.  We submit every piece 
> for examination and claim all of the weight at once.  In the case of NWA 
> 2999, a thin-section was taken from every pebble.
> Self-pairing a planetary piece is equivalent to a coin or artifact dealer 
> grading their own inventory.
> Come on, get a number and make the pieces official so as to avoid confusion 
> later on!
> It is disrespectful to collectors and dealers who follow the rules to take 
> shortcuts in order to save 20% and some lab fees. 
> Adam
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