Greetings listees. I was going through my copy of
"Meteorites A to Z" last night, and came across
something that seemed me a little strange. I noticed
that the two falls, Galim(a) and Galim(b) both fell on
the same day, at the same time, and in the same place.
What struck me curiously about this is that Galim(a)
was 5 stones found and it`s classification is an LL6
vnd. pmb., and that Galim(b) was only 1 stone and
classified as an EH3/4{5}! Now, I may be missing
something completely basic, but how can two different
falls happen at the same time, day and place, or could
Galim(b) actually be a find, and was found when
Galim(a) fell? Thanks!

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