Morning Jim   How, you ask? 

Take two large meteoroids and wack them together at incredible speeds.  What is 
not vaporized or pulverized will sheer and move in an opposite vector to 
relieve compressional forces where the two meteoroids "interfaced". The 
compression varies according to the macro surface: where there are ridges/bumps 
on one body, the other body at that junction will see more compressional force 
and where there are valleys one will see less compressional and vice versa.  
The rupture of the matrix is nature's way of balancing the competition for 
space and the kinetic energy vectors: the inertia thingy. We know it as equal 
and opposite reactions.  Since silicate is not elastic, it will break and areas 
of it will be displaced relative to the other side of the fracture. Since the 
rupture is rarely even, the two sides will grind against each other leaving 
skid marks all other things considered.

Both the energy and masses have to return to balance after the impact. 
Slickensides represent areas of the original body where sheer exceeds physical 
bonds and will be displaced to accommodate the compression forces(solids don't 
compress but they do respond to compressional forces)


> From: Jim Wooddell <>
>Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 8:31 AM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Chelyabinsk - slickensides or shock planes?
>Good morning all!
>Can anyone explain to me how slickensides are created in bonded matrix 
>in space in only minute areas of a large body?
>Jim Wooddell

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