At 11:04 PM 6/5/03 -0500, almitt wrote:
Hi all,

I think the list is for EVERYBODY but some people just like to abuse the true format
like putting up chronic for sale messages. List members tend to police the list so it
doesn't get too unbearable. Steve from Chicago has been asked nice, been asked not so
nice, been asked rude, been asked very rude and put on who knows how many spam filters
so he has had to change email addresses so he can get through again. I think John's
comments were just as exceptable as anyone posting to the list.

Ryan and all those who don't like it when some of us are policing the list (I think
you called it whining), why don't you use the delete key??? John's comments are a
whole lot less a bother than a couple of guys trying to sell their wares all the time.

--AL Mitterling

Dear List,
What Al said.

John Gwilliam

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