To all of us included....
Forgivenes is a very powerful thing.
I am proud to be a part of it; whenever its due from me, from any of us, and accepted from others.

Its good, despite all the "stuff" we witness here within the meteorite community, the witnessed "fall" isn't the fall of our human spirit.

Richard "Rick-Bob" Montgomery

----- Original Message ----- From: "Michael Blood" <>
To: "Meteorite List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 6:51 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Apology and thanks

To Maria Hass and all,
       It has been pointed out to me by a friend that regardless
Of what someone does it is not kind to bring it up on the
       I would like to publicly apologize to Maria Hass for my
Critical statements some time ago. I would also like to thank
Her for all she did to help the Footes in the past.
       Gary Foote was admitted to the hospital last night. I am
Struck with how little time all of us have on this beautiful earth
And how forgiveness, kindness and release of any and all
Negativity is the only sane course for this all too short life we
All are passing through.
       Any prayers for Gary will be much appreciated - and from
The atheists, wishing him well (literally).
       As Dickens said, "God bless us, everyone"
       Sincerely, Michael


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