Worship of all ordinary chondrites is hereby suspended until further notice.

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On 9/17/13, Shawn Alan <photoph...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hello Listers,
> I find this to be interesting, I wonder what Chelyabinsk meteorite will tell
> us once the scripture is decoded :)
> Shawn Alan
> IMCA 1633
> ebay store
> http://www.ebay.com/sch/imca1633nyc/m.html
> http://meteoritefalls.com/
> "For many centuries, the workings of the celestial realm were considered
> wondrous, and frequently indicated the intentions of a higher being.  Solar
> eclipses were times of fear, and fireballing meteorites could indicate a
> deity’s anger. One can only imagine what our distant ancestors would have
> made of the Chelyabinsk meteorite that ripped through the Urals regions in
> Russia in February of this year. Turning an otherwise ordinary morning
> chaotic with a blinding flash of light and a shockwave that splintered
> windows throughout Chelyabinsk and the neighboring towns, no superstition
> was required to make the meteorite’s arrival a frightening event."
> "However, it seems the old days aren’t quite dead. A cult has sprung up
> around the fallen meteorite, claiming it carries scriptural writings and can
> only be touched by psychic priests"
> Source:
> http://www.spacesafetymagazine.com/2013/09/17/chelyabinsk-meteorite-delivered-scriptures/
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