Good Day/Night Fellow Listees.

It's been some time since I have had a chance to get on the list and
also present some new material to the collectors and researchers
interested. I have had to deal with some serious personal family issues
and this has weighted heavy on me as of late.

Today I would like to get the word out that I have some new impact
material of such quality that it should excite those who share my
common interest and attention. It is not just the size, but also the

To some up what I have I am just going to list what I have below.
Further specimens will be added over the course of the day so stay
tuned as well!

1) 469.2g endcut of full impact melt from the Crooked Creek, Missouri

2) 39.5g Rare slice of possible impact or landslide melt in Kofels,

3) 1,123g corner cut of impact breccia from the Crooked Creek, Missouri

4) 868.2g Huge slice of impact. Melt breccia from the Glover Bluff,
Wisconsin impact site.

5) 441.7g. beautiful corner cut of the yellow type impact breccia from
the Glover Bluff, Wisconsin impact site.

I also have a piece of Meteorite art in the form of a Zoomorphic Campo
that has been painted by an artist with oil paint. It was shaped and is
now presented beautifully as a colorful chameleon. It was displayed in
a display at a museum for some time and includes documentation from
them as well as the artist.

Again, my eBay listings can be viewed by following the below link. ;

Thank you and all the best,

Brandon D.


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