Great report  and recovery Andre,


On Sat, Oct 5, 2013 at 3:15 AM, André Moutinho <> wrote:
>  Hello all!
> I have arrived today from another field trip to recover the most recent 
> Brazilian fall. I have solved to write this small report to let everybody 
> know about this fall:
> This very interesting fall event occurred on a small district of Vicencia 
> named Borracha. Vicência is a small city located about 120 km from Recife 
> city, the capital of Pernambuco state in Brazil northwest. According to 
> residents, Borracha interestingly received its name because it grew very fast 
> stretching like rubber, that means Borracha in Portuguese.
> Mr. Adeilson was working in front of his modest joinery in Borracha village 
> on a sunny Monday day of September, 21st. At a certain moment at around 3:00 
> PM he stooped to pick up something on the the ground and suddenly heard a 
> very loud noise of something that had just hit the ground nearby him. He did 
> not know what had happened but soon noticed a very strange black rock on a 
> small pit only about 1 meter from him (he told us he measured the distance 
> from where he was and  the meteorite pit with a measuring tape and this can 
> be seen on some youtube videos). Mr. Adeilson caught the almost hammer stone 
> that could have killed him and noticed that one side of the rock was still 
> hot and the other cold.
> Many neighbors were in front of their houses and witnessed the impact event  
> noticing only the loud noise of the meteorite impact on the ground. As usual, 
> nothing at impact zone was heard or seen in the air except the ground hit 
> impact.  One or two of them were just on the exact impact location very few 
> minutes ago.
> I had just arrived home from another hard work day on Friday 27th and read 
> some Internet hot news concerning a possible new meteorite fall in Brazil. 
> According to these news only a meteorite could have caused such event. I 
> immediately called Dr. Elizabete Zucolotto, meteorite researcher and curator 
> of the Brazilian NM. She also read the news and there was no doubt that it 
> could be a meteorite fall. We had to go to that location immediately. We 
> bought the flight tickets to Recife at that same night and traveled the 
> following day.
> Arriving at Recife we rented a car and headed to Vicência and then to 
> Borracha village. On the way from Vicência city to the village we started to 
> notice the mountains were covered with sugar cane and banana plantations and 
> started to notice that finding more pieces of this fall could possibly be 
> harder than Varre-sai. At least in Varre-sai there were some pastures to 
> search. The entrance for the village is near an alcohol plant. Finding the 
> village was also hard as there was no signs on the way and we had to ask to 
> many people we found on the way. A lot of them were drunk and we thought that 
> the sugar cane plantion were only for local usage..
> The village is basically one road with houses on both sides and a small 
> church. Interestingly the first person we have found on that village was Mr. 
> Adeilson in front of his joinery that I have recognized by the videos and 
> pictures. As hapenned in Varre-Sai with Mr. Germano, Mr Adeilson was already 
> a famous person on that small village and had already given some interviews 
> to TV channels and local radios. Fortunatelly the rock was still with him 
> besides the fact that he had received many offers to sell but refused. The 
> first lower offer he received was from a local resident that offered a new 
> motorcycle.
> At fall location we made video interviews with Mr. Adeilson and some 
> neighbors that witnessed the fall event. It was hard even for us that are 
> Portuguese native to sometime understand what Mr. Adeilson said because of 
> his strong accent. We then asked him if we could see the rock. He agreed and 
> lead us to his modest house nearby the joinery. Holding the stone there was 
> no doubt it was a beautiful super fresh meteorite that had fallen less than a 
> week ago and was recovered still hot from the ground! We took pictures and 
> talked to a lot of people that were in front of Mr. Adeilson's house 
> attracted by the outer space visitor notice that spread like fire. There was 
> no condition to try buying the stone at that moment and we decided to leave 
> Mr. Adeilson's house and headed again to the fall area to try search on 
> nearby mountains covered with plantations. Also we have used the best 
> effective meteorite recovery method: teaching locals to find meteorites and 
> offering them a reward.
> Another thing that must be done was trying to figure out the meteorite bolide 
> direction and possible strewn field area. To accomplish this we tried to 
> interview other residents further from the impact zone and to discover if 
> someone had seen the bolide or heard the explosion in the air. Nobody saw any 
> sign of the bolide or smoke in the air but we got some clues that some noise 
> could have been heard on a nearby city. It was late that first day and we had 
> to find some hotel to sleep. Surely there was no hotel on that very small 
> village and we headed in the eventide to that nearby city that someone told 
> people could have heard something.
> I was driving on the way to that city and our car was suddenly hit by 
> something on the Zucolotto side window making a loud noise.  Zucolotto 
> screamed: we have been hit! Immediately she notice some rock pieces on her 
> lap and car floor. How could this have happened?  I then noticed my side 
> window was opened and we realized that someone, possibly from a motorcycle 
> with a turned off light, tried to catapult a rock from my side window that 
> was opened.  Certainly to assault us! Fortunately the rock missed my face and 
> smashed against Zucolotto side window. We ran like crazy to the nearby city 
> and stayed there that night. Nobody heard any sound there..
> On the following day, recovered from the scarying experience of the previous 
> night,  we returned to Vicência and talked to the mayor of that city. We gave 
> him an explanation concerning the meteorite and Zucolotto said she would 
> provide the city a replica of the meteorite that had fallen in Borracha and 
> also would return next month to help organizing a meteorite exposition on 
> that city if we could afford to buy the meteorite from the owner. After 
> talking to the mayor it was then time to return to Mr. Adeilson house to try 
> buying the meteorite. Fortunately he was at home and after putting piles of 
> money that maybe we would have to work years to gain and the promise the city 
> would receive a meteorite replica he decided to sell me the meteorite. Mr. 
> Adeilson's wife was very sick with depression and we really believe this gift 
> from heaven will be of great value for them.
> I lent the meteorite to Dr. Zucolotto, that returned to RJ that same day and 
> I stayed on the field trying to find more pieces and working with locals. I 
> just have called her. She has already made a thin section and also sent 
> samples for microcrobe analysis.  Next week she will submit it to MetSoc.
> I will trade a good portion of this meteorite with NM, will keep some in may 
> collection and will sell some slices. So if you are interested to have this 
> amazing almost hammer meteorite on your collection please contact me off list 
> ( and I will let you know when it will be available and 
> classification.
> Pictures and videos can be found here:  
> Regards,
> Andre Moutinho
> IMCA 2731
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