Hi Jason and all!

I think the description of the impact melt was sufficient for Chelyabinsk unless new information comes forward.

However, with Happy, at least two of them are not fully classified, (b) and (c). All three Happy's are vague at best, unlike Chelyabinsk!
It is one that could be revisited.


On 10/30/2013 3:00 PM, Jason Utas wrote:
Hello All,
Gao, Chergach, Pultusk, and other ordinary chondrites often have their
impact melt portions ignored when being characterized.  Chelyabinsk
would be the most recent obvious example of this -- "LL5 S4 W0"
Except, when you read the petrographic description:

"...A significant portion (1/3) of the stones consist of a dark,
fine-grained impact melt containing mineral and chondrule fragments.
Feldspar is well developed and practically isotropic. No high-pressure
phases were found in the impact melt. There are black-colored thin
shock veins in both light and dark lithologies."


We collectors see impact melt and think it's cool, but it's secondary
information for the classification, I think.



On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 6:35 AM, Jim Wooddell
<jim.woodd...@suddenlink.net> wrote:
On 10/30/2013 6:02 AM, Marc Fries wrote:
Let  me try that again with a more accurate Subject line...
Hi Marc!
Looking at the pictures and the lack of information in the bulletin, this
one would be worthy of another stab at classification!  Happy (b) and (c)
could use some new work too!


Jim Wooddell


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