Hello List,

Jeff inquired:

"I keep hearing lines like 'Chelyabinsk was the largest meteoroid
 strike since the Tunguska event'. What about Sikhote-Alin? Does
 anyone know if there are any accurate modellings on that fall in
 terms of size, weight and energy?"

Here's what was able to cull from my sources:


megatons of TNT: 10-40 (probably 15)
mass (tons):    7 x 10^6 (if cometary)
mass (tons):    3.5 x 10^4 (if stony)
diameter (m): > 160 (if cometary)
diameter (m): > 60 (if stony)
speed (km/s): ca. 18 (?)+

+ Sekanina's opinion: from the breakup height the object was not
 traveling much more than 11 km/s when it entered the atmosphere


megatons of TNT: ca. 0.6
mass (tons):    11,000
diameter (m): 18
speed (km/s): 19


megatons of TNT:        ca. 0.0035-0.013        
mass (tons):    200-500 
diameter (m): 600*
speed (km/s): 14

* apparent diameter of the bolide with its luminous envelope




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