Hello meteorite-list: I've spent the last few days adding new pieces to my site. These include smaller pieces of my gorgeous lunars and some historic specimens with museum labels.
Also some nice auctions ending today, please see here: http://stores.ebay.com/Mile-High-Meteorites/ --1860 gram Gibeon slab from ASU, with label. Big slab, very impressive! http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/gibeon_1860.jpg --Shallowater, TX, rare aubrite.3.86g former BMNH piece, Rob Elliott. http://mhmeteorites.com/images/shallowater1.jpg --NWA 7611, lunar mingled breccia. Many have said this is one of the best looking lunars available in recent years. You be the judge. 42 gram complete slice. Massive surface area and a heck of a looker! http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/nwa_7611_42-2.jpg 4.6 gram slice http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/nwa_7611_4-6.jpg 2.13 gram slice http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/nwa_7611_2-13.jpg Want a smaller slice? Email me! --NWA 7493, lunar feldspathic breccia. I do not have much left. 6.46g complete slice http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/nwa_7493_6-464_front.jpg 2.279 gram slice http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/nwa_7493_2-279.jpg Other smaller slices shown here: http://www.mhmeteorites.com/museum_gallery.html Email for discounts. -Abbott, New Mexico. Former UNM piece with museum numbers and card. 21.52 gram slice http://mhmeteorites.com/images/abbott_21-52_2.jpg http://mhmeteorites.com/images/abbott_21-52.jpg http://mhmeteorites.com/images/abbott_21-52_3.jpg -Sikhote-Alin. Killer 854 gram specimen. http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/sikhote_854.jpg http://mhmeteorites.com/images/sikhote_854_2.jpg http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/sikhote_854_3.jpg http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/sikhote_854_4.jpg -L'Aigle. 2.8 gram brecciated slice. This is from a customer of mine who is downsizing. I sold this to him about 15 years ago. http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/laigle_2-8.jpg http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/laigle_2-8_2.jpg -Ucera, Venezuela. 4.68 gram slice. Super fresh piece from the person mentioned above. I acquired this from the daughter of the owner many years ago. Super hard to find. http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/ucera_4-68.jpg http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/ucera_4-68_2.jpg -Nakhla, Egypt. Nice little 0.247g fragment of the Nakhlite namesake. http://www.mhmeteorites.com/images/nakhla_0-247.jpg There is more material at http://www.milehighmeteorites.com. Please have a look! Thanks, Matt ______________________________________________ Visit the Archives at http://www.meteorite-list-archives.com Meteorite-list mailing list Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com http://six.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list