Little Stevie is definitively telling fibs and making his father look stupid.  
My guess is that Stevie was doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing and 
injured himself.  He learned by example that he could lie his way out of most 
situations by making up a big stories.  The better the story, the more 
believers.  Instead of being punished for telling untruths, Stevie has learned 
early in life that he could attract all kinds of attention with his fanciful 

I would have got my butt whipped if I told such nonsense growing up.



From: Kelly Beatty <>
To: 'Ron Baalke' <>; 'Meteorite Mailing List' 
Sent: Thursday, November 28, 2013 7:44 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Florida Boy Allegedly Hit By Meteorite

hi, Ron...

just FYI, I have had a couple of email exchanges with the "researchers" at
Florida Atlantic University who examined the fragments; it's actually the guy
who runs the school's observatory. all he concluded was that the fragments were
slightly magnetic. I've seen no indication that the family is having the
fragments tested further (though I haven't tried to contact them).

further, the FAU guy estimates that the fragments total about 1 gram. with the
total mass was so low, there's no way those fragments - even intact - could
have caused such a gash. one thing that I took away from the KPEC video was
that the boy suffered a (linear) cut, with no surrounding bruising.
inconsistent with being conked by a single small rock. 

also, the presumption is that the rock fragmented when it hit his skull - but
there are no signs of fresh rock surfaces. according to my FAU source, they
weren't simply bits of rusted iron. some appear to have small bright
nonmetallic inclusions in a dark, reddish interior.

*maybe* there's a larger fragment lying around somewhere in the yard. but I
doubt it. more likely little Stevie bonked his head on something and didn't
'fess up to Dad.

clear skies,

J. Kelly Beatty
Senior Contributing Editor


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