For those collectors with an interest in North American meteorites, 
I would like to bring your attention to an eBay offering (ending soon) of a 
classified find from the California Mojave Desert: 
San Bernardino Wash (L5) 

This under-appreciated meteorite promises to become better-known now that 
additional field-work and research results are starting to appear on the 

Although the study of this area is too early to determine the possible TKW of 
this meteorite, 
it certainly will not rival Gold Basin (L4/6), but it promises to be the next 
"Trilby Wash". 
The specimens that I am offering are the remaining slices from the samples used 
to determine pairing. 
These two classifications confirmed their pairing to the SBW(L5) type-specimen 
held at UCLA. 
I will only be offering additional specimens for auction until the cost of this 
lab-work has been defrayed. 
But, as usual, I will continue to accept requests for samples by any interested 

Thank you for your interest,
Bob V.

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